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patho4 - wouldratherbeatthebe

a 50 yr old man with pathy leuplakia in the anterior floor of his mouth for the last four years.. now comes in with a raised white lesion in the same area.. examination of the biopsy.. is most likely to show...

a. apthous ulcer
b. burkitts lymphoma.
c. candida infection
d. kaposi's sarcoma
e. mixed tumor of parotid gland
f. squamous cell CA
g. warthin's tumour
squamous cell CA??
i will go for f.

its an NBME.. so i cant confirm it =(

but i thoughts were F too.. although i was tempted with candida too. i looked it up.. just found malignancy with no further details..

thanks for ur input guys...
F)squamous cell CA
look at the duration(the last four years.. now comes in with a raised white lesion in the same area)
and recurrence

Leukoplakia literally means "white patch"
Lesion does not wipe off.
Erythroplakia is a red patch.
Both lesions are due to squamous hyperplasia of the epidermis.
Increased risk for squamous dysplasia or invasive squamous cancer
f. squamous cell CA
Mind you here---pt had patchy leukoplakia for the last 4 yrs and recently developed
raised white lesion in the same area--FF
Leukoplakia is a premalignant lesion.
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