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IMG without boards certification !!!!! - macedon
Hi mates . Green card holder without taken any of the steps IMG from europe
Do you know any postgraduate programs that do not need certificate and are in medical field???? lets say non-clinical.

like Health Care management is this a postgraduate or something like that. please give me some ideas .
Thanks collegues.
how about an MBA in hospital administration/hospital management????
Something else ?????
colegues give me some answer please...
Macedon, Hi there:
We have met before (HERE IN CYBER WORLD) on your post "Happy easter to all Christians colleagues") for me I am a nice Jewish girl. As far as I know any post graduate programs means shelling out your own $$$$$ (student loans) unless you qualify for a grant or scholarship. As K.dr mentioned MBA in hospital management sounds good. You can also look into the online options for a law degree in health care from irvine university in California. For MBA online Emroy university in Atlanta, has great incentives. I am assuming you are looking for online choices. Mind you , passing your steps will always give you a leverage thats a cut above the rest. It's one tool in your negotiantion skill. Hope this helps and others might add in too.
Hi batool thank you a lot.
I just want to know what can I do if fail to take the steps.
I want to study something.
Thats the thing.
Thanks again
You wont. DONT EVEN GO THERE . Just keep your goal of being an ecfmg certified your top priority, map out a strategy of how how you will go about achieving it, Focus like a LASER and whala..............BINGO!
Hi macedon you can do a ph in reseache. you dont need those step.
You can do an MPH or PHD in Public health but you still need to be board certified to work in a hospital as an M.D.....GL
The sooner the boards the better.
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