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FOrum Elders.needs aTTENtion plz help..take a look - usmlehope
hello forum,
i have been referring to this forum ever since i started my usmle prep.but now i am in a real dilemma.please give me your suggestions about which SPECIALITY TO APPLY IN?????????
i am a FMG.i wud do ok with j1 visa,coz i heard that its not as bad nowadays...pleaase suggest me whether to apply in h1 offering univ only or in j1...and the same about univ hospitals or community hospitals.....i have my step 1 score of 89 and step 2 score of 83 and CS passed all in first attempt.i tried a lot to get some clinical experience in the US but all in vain.i am still trying to arrange smthing but since i dont see anything happen...i have booked myself a spot for step 3 in early august ....i havent got any US LOR but i have excellent LORs from here plus i am doi ng a job as a doctor in a rural area(underdeveloped),if that helps...i thought of applying in family med,pediatrics and psych but the difference wud show up on my PS and what wud be a safe spot to apply.i dont want to get wasted just coz i applied in a higher speciality.i am a recent grad in 2007.please guide me about which SPECIALITY TO APPLY IN.i am from a middle class family and i dont have the kind of money to apply,i thought i would put my case in front of you guys ...plz help me..

in case any of you has some residency requirement lists which tells which speciality and university wants what,kindly let me means a lot to me and i will surely pray for you all in my prayers.people who applied last year and got placed,PLZ PLZ help me with the requirement lists whethe of FM,IM or PSYCH...i am researching on this forum as well as other sources and will help u all i can..

my email is usmlehope

i know it might sound boring and kiddish and i know its like in every 5th post in this forum,but it means a lot to me.

I can understand you dilemma .I was in a similar situation too. I tried very hard and pestered alot of my relatives here in the US and called alot of physicians to get usce but i managed to get them soemhow. Kepp trying dont give up. You get somewhere.

As per your scores I would like to advice you. I had scores in high eighties and i had similar thoughts as you that i should apply to multiple fields but then i thought it would be way better if i followed my dream and i applied to just 1 specialty IM i applied to more than 170 programs and got 7 ivs though i prematched in my 1st IV i spent around 4000$.

If you are gonna apply to multiple specialities you will end up applying to less programs in each specialty and you never know wot you missed out on. I have a friend who has matched into my program with your scores and there r many 99ers also. He had given his step 3 and and got a similar no of IVS.

I suggest you think of 1 field and apply to as many programs as possible thus driving most of your time ,energy and effort towards one field.You said you had money constrains . Can you apply to 150+ programs in peads,psy and fm respectively thats around 10000$ and it makes no sense.

Think of a field eg FM prepare a PS mentioning your past experiences ur goals and your future commitment in it, get 4 FM lors = 3 US lors and 1 from ur medschool, get usce in FM which is easier and brush up on your interview skills targetting FM IVS

Research programs both community univerity affiliated and community programs through the link below See each programs website for mimimum applicanat requirements, see if more than 25% of pst residents r IMGS to make sure the program is IMG friendly and that they sponsor visa and apply to such programs


Forum ElderTongue Smile

PS :- sorry for the typos i was just typing to fast!!!Smile
thanx dontlossehope,

it was really encouraging....u r right...i definately thinki that its better to have a targetted approach rather than firing here and there...but,u know,for someone going through it for the first time and low on confidence,its a tough time.i will definately pay heed to ur advice and will keep restricted to one or two speciality and research them well,if someone can provide me the residency req. list it wud be great.....

Dont trust any list. Most lists are inaccurate and not updated for a while use the link Go through each programs requirements there are wot 500 programs to go through. Try going through 50 programs a day thats 10 days and you can make your own list while studying for step 3

See if 1] the programs sponsors visa

2] If you meet their minimum score requirements

3] If > than 25% of past residents are IMGS

4] The consultants are asian etcSmile

Make your own list!!!
nice advice, thanks again, dontloosehope.
thanx for your response,guys...all this input really meansa lot to me....i am already going through the list ,dontloosehope,followin wat u said....i just hope it works out
I would say, choose the specialty u love and then as adviced above, apply to as many programs as possible (apply to every single program which sponsors visa and u match the min score requirement).

DO NOT trust on any list, make one of ur own, take some pain!! Like don'tloosehope said, u can do it easily while studying for step 3. I used to study for 1-2 hrs then take a break and call / email the programs and get back to books. Believe me none of the forwarded lists are accurate.
yup prettyexcited,i think that study n break idea might work ....thanx
I agree with "make your own list". You may spend more time, but it will save you money and false hopes.
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