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Can i take the test whith 7months' pregnancy? -

I was planning to take the test on september, i just discover that i'am pregnant, i'am really lost.
Can anyone tell me if it's manageable whith pregnancy...


depends how your pregnency goes. if you will be able to study, and have no problem to seat 8 houars strait, probably you will be fine. because, i took kaplan course and studied all the way to the end until i had my baby.

of course you can!!!. only you have to see if you can manage that. if you have the intention and you consider that´s your goal, go ahead!! good luck lost

Thanks a lot guys, i am gonna do my best, and god will probably help me.

hehadoc...I presume you have been pregnant? If not how could you know what it is like when you are 7 months pregnant?

the first expression is to encourage her, the second is in order to express that she has to see in the moment if she is able to do the test and the third one is another expression of encouragement.
do i have to say all of that for understand that my message is for encourage her? all of us know that a pregnant woman has more difficulties with all and we deserve our respect. but as a person, she needs (we need) something more than the fact of to take or not the test....
am i wrong??

it would be better if another woman give another advice to our friend about to take or not the test...
what i can say to you lost, is that i remember clearly when i was in the clerkship how some of my folks did theirs. it was a lot of effort by them. why couldn´t you? it s clearly true that you have to measure your forces, but im talking about the desire of to decide if to take the test or stay in your house
good luck again whatever will be your decision....

Well hehadoc I think while we should try and encourage others we should also be factful in what we say. I do recognise the useful advice and contibutions you give to the issues in the forum but I think we have to temper our positivism with reality.

Lost did not ask for encouragement...she asked for advice. By telling her she can do it, when in reality you can't know if she can is wrong in my opinion. If you have never been pregnant how could you know that you can sit down for 8 hours, at least an hour at a time, without a break within hours, doing a tasking mental exercise when 7 months pregnant?

I would say that Lost should seek advice from people who have been pregnant.

yeah it is true that some people looks for some special advice. now i think all students and medical graduates have some tips of common sense,and all of us(included her)have to know that study while she is pregnant represents another hassle to all stuff in the way. so, appart from give the proper advice concerning the fact of to take or not the test(which is something that she will realize herself, not from all of us. it is the same if i ask for advice for buy the books,etc. in the end,it will be a decision by the interested person), it is not a bad thing to give some tips of encouragement that always, always will be helpful for anybody . that´s why i replied this message . it was not my intention to let think her that her situation is easy to deal. that´s what i replied in the next message what i´ve seen from some colleagues i had while i did my clerkship and even in the residency in my country.
reality must be accompanied always by positivism , if not how could we move and advance in our lifes??

Preganacy is tolerated differently by different woman.. I became pregnant while I was in my 3rd year of residency and preparing for my step 3.. It was very difficult for me to sit for more than half hour and ultimately I changed my test date until after the deliverythen after the delivery, there is the challenge of caring for the child & studying, if you don't have help.
Nonetheless, please don't let my experience discourage you, one of my colleguesalso became pregnant a year later and she was able to take the exam on the scheduled time and it was her 2nd pregnancy
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