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Manu`s Mnemonics ..Collection... - alveoli

Manu`s Mnemonic-51.Marijuana toxicity ..

..Memory problems


.....Motor coordiantion problems


Manu`s Mneumonic-52. Hordeolum.............

. Holds Staph.aureus(pathogen)

...Hard to shut the eyelid(affected)

...Has eyelid pain

....Hot compress-Rx


Manu`s Mnemonic-53 Chalazion......

Chronic granulomatous lesion

.........Comes back often .

........Clean the eyelids often(to prevent recurrence)

.......Compress(hot or warm Rx)

.......Corticosteroids intra-lesional -Rx

......Cut it off(if nothing else works!)

Manu`s Mnemonic “54.Free air....


{ If you see Free Air under the diaphragm,it is an indication for surgical Rx}


Manu`s Mnemonic-55LSD poisoning....

~~Level of perception distorted(tasting sound/hearing color)

~~LSD Flash-back(think as LCD of your camera!)

~~Long lasting psychosis (later complication)

Manu`s Mnemonic-56Pregnancy and UTI.

œShe was pregnant and Furious when she had burning micturition at Night

{treatment of UTI in pregnant patients-Nitrofuratoin}


Manu`s Mnemonic-57. Baker`s(Popliteal) Cyst-

œThat Popular Baker has a pouch in his knee pocket

~is a painless ,posterior pouch

~caused by meniscal tear and collection of synovial fluid of knee joint.

~Transillumination test is positive indicating the collection of fluid.

~Usaully it is benign and disappears without treatment even though there is limited range of motion(ROM)

~Treatment is needed only if it becomes painful or increases in size.}


Manu`s Mnemonic-58Nikolsky sign.

œChef Nikolsky,please don`t talk shallow,vulgar and hurtful things to Chef Johnson,he already scalded his skin TEN times today

{Nikolsky sign is the separation of epidermis from basal layers with slightest pressure due to the formation of autoantibodies.

~seen in Pemphigus vulgaris

~It is painful and cuased by drugs[Steven-Johnson syndrome](sulfa,phenytoin,valproic acid-life threatening!)

~When it involves more than 30% BSA(body surface area) it is called Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis(TEN)

~Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome-caused by Staphylococcus or later by pseudomonas.

~Treatment-early diagnosis and elimination of the offending agent/treatment of infection/plasmapheresis/IVIG

Manu`s Mnemonic-59Bacterial Vaginosis

œYou will be Alone and Clueless ,unless you take Metro to reach this Garden with full of Waterfalls and Fish ponds

{Bacterial Vaginosis

~ by Gardernella vaginalis which causes watery vaginal discharge with fishy odor.

~Diagnosis is by finding ˜Clue cells™ in the vaginal discharge.

~Treatment “Metronidazole/Clindamycin for 7 days -

~Sexual partner/s need NOT be treated(patient Alone is treated here

~one of the causes of premature labor)


Manu`s Mnemonic-60..Shaken Baby Syndrome.

œShake Shake Baby,Break Break B.V

{Shaken Baby Syndrome-

~It is an indication of Child Abuse !

~When a baby is shaken violently blood vessels(B.V) in the brain and retina rupture leading to Subdural and Retinal hemorrhages .

~Babies can present with lethargy,loss of appetite and coma in severe cases.

~Patient should be taken to OR to stop the bleeding.

~Prognosis is bad and those who recover suffer from permanent neurologic damage and Mental retardation}


Manu`s mnemonics-61...Prolactin and Oxytocin.


Prolactin induces the production of milk and Oxytocin helps with the 'Let-down'of milk}


Manu`s Mnemonic-62...Prinzmetal`s Angina....

"Prince wears a Crown"

{In Prinzmetal`s Angina we can see ST segment elevation (Crown) }

Manu`s Mnemonics “63 Breast Cancer Treatment........

œTrust HER!

{Trastuzumab “is used to treat Breast Cancers with HER2/neu receptors.

This drug is a monoclonal antibody specific for HER2/neu receptor }


Manu`s mnemonic-64. ..Rx ..Tertiary. syphilis.

......Tertiary Syphilis.......

~'T'ertiary has

~'T'abes dorsalis

~'T'ypical gumma


~'T'endon reflex loss ,needs

~'T'en million units penicillin for

~'T'en days

~'T'hrough the vein(I.V)


Manu`s Mnemonics-65..EKG basics..

"Ischemia(angina)(less than 20 minutes)- blood supply down(you fall down ,so is ST segment falls down)ST depression;

Infarction(more than 20 minutes)..death of [muscle tissue -going up to haevan!] ..ST segment elevation "

{Only exception:- Prinzmetal`s angina-ST elevation}


Manu`s Mnemonics-66....HIV facts.....

{T-cell count

~ Tells you the

~ True picture of HIV as of

~ Today and

~ Therapy guidance.

~ Viral load

~Verifies the

~ Velocity of disease progression and

~ Virus killer measures}

Remember BOTH are inversly proportional to each other!!!

[T-cell >< Viral load]

One goes up---The other one goes down!!


Manu`s Mnemonics-67 Actinic Keratosis...............

"Actinic Keratosis-Advances to Kancer"

{Actinic keratosis is a premalignant lesion and if not treated can progress to Squamous Cell Cancer}


manu`s Mnemonics-68 Rash(Soles&Hands)....

"5 rashy fingers and toes"

{maculopapular rash involving soles and hands are the following 5:-

1)Secondary Syphilis

2)Rocky Mountain Spotted fever

3)Meningococcal meningitis

4)Kawasaki disease

5) Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis


Manu`s mnemonics-69....Patent Ductus Arteriosus(PDA).....

"She announced Loudly that she won a Patent for her Duct cleaning Machine in India"

(Patent ductus arterioses-Continous machinery murmur and Loud S2 and seen mainly in females.

Treatment is Indomethacin)


Manu`s Mnemonics-70Mitral regurgitation

"My Regurgitation started after I ate food made in that Hollow Pan"

(Mitral regurgitation - pansystolic or holo systolic murmur)


Manu`s Mnemonics-71....ECG finding in Atrial Flutter(AF)..................

~'P'eter waved at me while holding that fluttering Saw"

(Sawtooth like 'P' wave is very charecterstic ECG finding in Atrial Flutter )


Manu`s Mnemonics-72...Thalassemia..

"Alpha Asians Targeted Bold Mediterraneans in a 'Small 'battlefield with regular (Normal) Iron swords!"

~ Aplha thalassemia is seen mostly in Asian population...

~ Beta Thalassemia is seen mostly in Mediterraneans...

~ In all the Thalassemia Traits/Diseases you will see 'Target' cells ....

~ Microcytic anaemia is the picture in those who are symptomatic ...('small 'battlefield)

~ Iron studies will be normal despite the microcytic anaemia(thus differentiate it from Iron deficiency anemia)(regular Iron sword)


Manu`s mnemonics-73Drug induced SLE

............................."CHIMPs PIQ".....................

~ C...Chlorpromazine









Manu`s Mnemonics-74....SSRI............

...SSRI side effects..

'S'exual 'S'ide effect 'R'ate 'I'ncreased


Manu`s Mnemonics-75...Treatment of Unstable Angina and Myocardial Infarction..


~M -Morphine

~O -Oxygen

~N -Nitrates

~A -Aspirin

~A -ACE inhibitors

~B(e) Beta Blockers

~(MIne-Myocardial Infarction)


Manu`s Mnemonics-76....Treatment of Hyperlipidemia..


Initial treatment for Hyperlipidemia is STATINS!


Manu`s Mnemonics-78..Normal Grief Reaction...

"D A B S A"

~D -Denial

~A -Anger

~B -Bereavement

~S -Sad

~A - Acceptence


Manu`s Mnemonic-79......Teratogenicity of Phenytoin.....

"Phenytoin Rhymes with Hydantoin"

~ Teratogenic side effect of Phenytoin is Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome


Manu`s Mnemonic-80.. .Cold agglutinin Induced Hemolytic Anemia.

~CCold agglutinin is nothing but IgM

~C- Develop Cyanosis when exposed to Cold

~C- Rx Chlorambucil and Cyclophophamide

~C- and prevent exposure to Cold!


Manu`s Mnemonic-81.General Age distribution in Leukemia

~ALL. A cute Little Lad ( below 15 years of age)

~ AML.(Acute) Mid Life ( 15-60 years of age)

~ CML.(chronic) Mid Life (15-60 years of age)

~ CLL .(chronic) Late Life (after 60 years of age)


Manu`s Mnemonic-82.Diagnostic marker for ALL.

œ cALLa antigen is positive in ALL


Manu`s Mnemonic-83.. Diagnosis and treatment of AML.

~™ A™ML .so think of ˜A™

~A.Auer Rods ( M3 type)

~A.Rx Arabinoside(AraC)+


All-trans-retinoic “acid derivative(Vit.A)


Manu`s mnemonic-84.....Vitamins low in Cow`s milk....

~ Think as 'C'ow 'D'ung!

{ Now easy to remember that Vitamins deficient in Cow`s milk are Vit.C and Vit.D}


Manu`s mnemonic-85....Vitamin deficient in Goat`s Milk....

~ Goat is NO Fool!

{Folic acid is low in Goat`s Milk}


Manu`s Mnemonic-86.Neonatal Vit.D deficiency causes...

~ Vit.'D',so think it as a 3-D picture(D,D,D)

~Dark skinned

~Dark room(not enough exposure to Sun light)

~Deficiency in the Mother


Manu`s Mnemonic-87Another CML clue!

~™C™ for Chromosome association with Philadelphia Chromosome(t 9;22)

~™M™ ..Myeloid series increased

~™L™Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase level decreased


Manu`s Mnemonic-88What are ˜B™ symptoms in HL and NHL?.

~ The symptoms are similar to œT.B so these are Night sweats,10% weight loss and fever


Manu`s Mnemonic-89HL & NHL clues to diagnosis.

~ Lymphadenopathy in HL is œHigher Level(Cervical ,Supraclavicular and Axillary)

~ Lymphadenopathy in NHL is Not Higher Level (but systemic involvement)


Manu`s Mnemonic-90.Howell-Jolly bodies.

œDo you know ,How well I felt without that nasty SPLEEN?"- "Oh, Jolly Good!

~Spleen removes the nucleus of RBCs before releasing them to circulation,so any condtion that causes damage to the Spleen(physical or functional absence)
is seen with inclusion RBCs(Howell-Jolly bodies)

~ seen in trauma,sickle cell disease(autosplenectomy),hemolytic anemia or radiation damage to the spleen


Manu`s Mnemonic-91..Subdural Hematoma..

~'S'....Slowly progressing....

~'S'....Shifting of midline structures...

~'S'...Symptomatic ONLY need Surgical evacuation....

~'S'...Seen in chronic alcoholics with repeated head truama/in Senior citizens too..

~'S'...Sponataneous regression if left alone...


Manu`s Mnemonic-92Epidural Hematoma..

~'E'pidural is an 'E'mergency!(requires Immediate surgical evacuation)


Manu`s Mnemonic-93Endocarditis associated with SLE..

~Rearrange the letters of ˜S™™L™ and ˜E™ to make it L S E- Liebman - Sacks Endocarditis

~ seen in acute disseminated Lupus and is of Atypical variety


Manu`s Mnemonic “94...Lyme diease and it`s Cardiac complication..

~ Rearrange the œM of LyMe - sideways ,so it becomes ˜3™

~ So it is 3rd Degree heart block!


Manu`s Mnemonic “95..Curling`s Ulcer.

~Curling Iron can burn you badly if you are not careful!

~Curling's ulcer is an acute peptic ulcer of the duodenum resulting as a complication from severe burns when reduced plasma volume leads to sloughing of the gastric mucosa.

Manu`s Mnemonic “96..Bruton's agammaglobulinemia.

œBrutally and repeatedly beaten boys in that ˜B™ cell had many infections on X-ray!

~Reapeated infections

~X-linked diease(so seen only in Boys)

~ B-cells low

~Repeated infections,if not treated Fatal!

~Rx..Antibiotics and IVIG

Manu`s Mnemonic “97..Fetoscopy

œFetoscopy is more Fatal to the Fetus..

(......than other procedures like CV sampling,Amniocentesis or Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling!)

~ There is a 12% chances of featl loss


Manu`s Mnemonic “98..Target Cells


{Target cells seen in these following conditions:-

~H Hemolytic anemia/Hemoglobin C disease


~LLiver diseases(Obstructive types)



Manu`s Mnemonic “99....ACE Inhibitors (side effects)


~CCough/Contraindicated in Hyperkalemia

~EEnalapril (induces Acute Renal Failure)


Manu`s Mnemonic “100.Difference between Fanconi`s anemia and Fanconi`s Syndrome..

~Fanconi`s ANEMIA..Think of Anemia + decreased number of all other blood cells

~Fanconi`s SYNDROME..

{ Just look at sY ndrome “œY looks like two ureters converging in to join the

Bladder (so KIDNEY related)

It is due to mutation which causes the kidney to lose Amino

acids,glucose,magnesium,phosphate,Bicarbonates and other nutrients.}


Manu`s Mnemonic-101.. Oral Rehydration solutions with Na+(Sodium) content..

Alphabetical order helps!

~Pedialyte.45 mM

~Rehydralyte..75 mM

~WHO rehydrating solution90mM


Manu`s Mnemonic-102..Major Depression.

~~~~~Remember the number™6™!

~ 6 months of symptoms needed for diagnosis.

~6 weeks of treatment(antidepressants) to take action.

~6 months of treatment needed.

~6-12 sessions of ECT is needed for remote cases.


Manu`s Mnemonic-103..Parkinson`s Disease.

~~~~~~In a PARK drink COLA and sit DOWN~~~~~~

~Parkinson`s Disease has High Cholinergic and Low Dopaminergic level


Manu`s Mnemonic-104..Treatment Age-wise.

~™L™ess than 60..™L™evodopa/Carbidopa

~™A™fter 60 .™A™mantidine


Manu`s Mnemonic-105..Treatment of Severe Bradykinesia.

~If person can not walk at all,you need 2 people [Carbidopa/Levodopa] to help!


Manu`s Mnemonic-106..Craniopharyngioma..

~C hild`s

~C ystic

~C holesterol filled

~C alcified

~C ell of Squamous origin

~C ranial mass on

~C T/MRI is

~C raniopharyngioma

~ deC ompress surgically(Rx)


Manu`s Mnemonic-107 .Pyromania.

œ Fire-o-mania ......... Pyromania!

{It is a disorder in which the person gets pleasure in setting things on fire }


Manu`s Mnemonic-108Euthyroid sick syndrome..

œE turned sideways(reverse it!) becomes œ3,so think of rT3 level increased

(T4,TSH and other values will be normal here)


Manu`s Mnemonic-109..Genetic Anticipation.

œFragile Triplets Hunt in Anticipation

Fragile-X syndrome and Huntington`s disease have Triplet repeats and show Genetic Anticipation(successive generation develps the disease much earlier than their parents)


Manu`s Mnemonic-110Capsule Endoscopy

œIt`s a Small Capsule,swallow it man!

(Capsule Endoscopy is the only technique that is available right now to detect Small bowel pathology)

Very useful indeed
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