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What are my chances? - confuseddoctor
I'm in India. Completed my Final year in Dec 2003. Took 3 years off then ( combination of depression and family problems). Did Internship in 2007. Joined a hospital as Resident Medical Officer immediately after my internship, and am still in the job as of now. No research experience (read somewhere that the importance of research exp is overrated anyway) Planning to stay at home, study and give all steps by September 2009.

Will the 3 years taken off before internship affect my chances adversely or will good 90+ scores offset it enough to see me into an Int Med residency?

Please help me. I'm currently motivated enough to dedicate all my waking moments towards preparing for the USMLE, and want to know if it'll be worth it.
it is a question in residency application if one had study interrupted and why? i don't think 3 years will affect USMLE steps but residency application in ERAS, think what to answer.
hello fellow Indian. what has happened in the past cant be changed. it will affect yr chances to an extent, but if as u rightly said yrself prepare for USMLE as if yr life depends on it, forget everyone and everything else and just study. try to get very good scores. try to find some kind of observership/externship in US. there is one in Mount Sinai Hospital, Florida ( goto the website and serach for Internation Mini Residency). have given any step till now? or u have to give all steps? be careful if have to give all steps. scores are yr only chance besides observership/externship. consider this as a chance to redeem yrself, i did the same and i can tell u , it works. have faith in yourself GL.
there are some programs which have strict rules about years snce graduation. most mention 5. obviously u wont be able to apply there, so dont have false hopes abt them and keep up a backup speciality in hand if u are so desperate abt US
Thanks flanker99 and knopochka, for your kind advice. I wouldn't mind Family Medicine too. Are the prospects for a FM specialist good in the US? I'm starting an online 1 year FM diploma course by Apollo here in India too to cover my bases. Will mention of that on my CV be a bonus when applying for FM residencies in the US?
FM is good.Not as competitive as used to be.Still, hard to get in.Many programs want to see not many years gap,good scores,LORs (at least one from FM M.D.).After program is over,one can practice IM,Ped,Ob.Sometimes when you look for job offers for MDs,you can see an add that looking for FM who likes to practice Ob.I believe,residency is a bit longer that IM and Ped.(4 instead of 3 years).I'm not familiar with Apollo course,can not say anything about that.
ofcourse yaar. mention everything what u did , everything counts and Apollo is one good hospital
Thank you for your responses. You are all very helpful people.
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