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Any German graduates??? - nijm
ich auch
(ich glaube wir müssen auf Englisch schreiben hier):

for which programs are u applying?
I did Step1, Step 2 CK and CS I did last week i am awaiting results, I have USCE (4 months praktisches Jahr in Neurosurgery), have 4 LORs - 1 from US chairman and 1 from US neurosurgical professor, 1 from my doctorate thesis supervisor (Dr. med.) from my home university in Germany, 1 from a Japanese fellow who worked with me in Germany, I have 4 peer reviewed papers (3 papers 1st authorship),

but i unfortunately had less time for usmle preparation (5 wks for both exams), so that I had scores in the upper 80s,

do u think I have a chance for a shot?
to how many neurosurgical programs should I apply to get a chance?
Thanks GOD someones are out there. Thanks cococure and drpineal.

drpineal, I truly think that you have a better chance than those with high nineties and no papers, research (doctorate thesis). You also have 2 US LORs, what do you want more??? this is only my opinion, though; best of luck

I have a very stupid question; how did you ask for the dean letter? in other words, what is its equivalent in the German system??

I'm a very old graduate and don't remember anything of this kind!!

thanks in advance for you help and all the best for all of you.
you have to ask your Studiendekanat for

Transscript und Dean´s Letter.

In Germany they still say Dean´s Letter in the English Form what is the same as mspe,

they want to see your Physikumzeugnis, Zeugnis des 1. + 2. + 3. Staatsexamens,

they want to know your Famulatur - und PJ - Daten

I paid 50 Euro and it took only 1 week.

Look to the website of your Universität for the Studiendekanat deiner Medizinischen Fakultät and then call them, there must be someone who cares for that, but these days they or the Studiendakan may be on Holiday
but as I read in the forum you are nor forced to get that deans letter or transscript for the match through ERAS/NRMP.

but if you need you must call your Studiendekanat or Dekanat, some Universities in Germany have only Dekanat für studentische Angelegeheiten or directly the Studiendekanat, where you can obtain Transskript für USA und ein Deans Letter für USA.
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