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glucagon increases insulin....why so... - helpme4usmle1
hi guys, how does glucagon increase insulin. i thought we gave glucagon in hypoglycemia...wats the concept here guys...
I never heard of that. Where did you read it?
there is nothing new guys its indirect effect of glycagon. infact glucagon increases blood glucose ---> than incraese blood glucose it self is the trigger for insulin release. this is how glcagin effect insulin release. dont think that glucagon has any direct effect on beta cell.
Islet cell hormones have local or paracrine effect as well as endocrine action. Insulin's paracrine effect is to inhibit glucagon secretion, while glucagon's effect is to increase insulin secretion.
On a molecular level, Glucagon activates phospholipase C (Gq) to increase intracellular Calcium, which to release of insulin.
glucagon being gut hormone do release insulin,via locally stimulating beta cells-->insulin and it makes sense too,glucose being made by glycogenlysis etc under glucagon action,if no insulin how cells gonna take/use glucose????????which only insulin can via glut.
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