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to irfan - dreeman
..bro can u plz explain me watt will be the effect of high output cardiac faliure on pre and afterload..thanks
as the word said high out put means after load inc and preload increase due to perpheral vasodialation dec TPR (due to alcohol)
for more conditions plz view the link below

remember in this condition heart is not able to pump its all contents.
in alcoholic it is different in early phase since heart is not failed. in chronic alcoholic both inc
dreeman, u dont need to check any link. poor irfanmir. i though ur much better than that.

high output is due to increase venous return to the heart.
venous return to right heart = right caridac output= left cardiac output. it is NOT due to inc (irfan said.)

1. anemia
2. decrease TPR
3. truma or injury==> causing arterial/venous shunt.
all will increase venous return to the heart.
thanks irfan and md
#8 screwd up guys Sad ..high out venous preload...but coz of dec TPR after load will be dec..?? right md?
..and one more query
kaplan says in AIDS long term survivors may result when virus lacks functional nef protein..that means nef suppression will cause latency..right?
hey irfan .i have a little confusion ........
does afterload increase in the high output cardiac failure ???????or decresed.because arterioles r dilated
thanx again for this very nice explanation

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* Re:Conceptual Q ---------------------------------
mye - 09/02/08 11:55

any explanations
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* Re:Conceptual Q ---------------------------------
irfanmir - 09/02/08 11:55

good q it inc in this case because heart is not able to pump all of its content due to cardiopathy, even though vessels are dialated it will not be able to pump all of its vol. if it was the healthy heart than it should be able to pump all hence after load will be dec.
ememeber always consider two things TPR in a condition and hearts well being.

GL to those who are still confuse.
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