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Any Indonesian applicant here? - lumba
Ada beberapa sih, saya udah daftar dari minggu pertama September.
Udah pass semua steps?
hi, apa kabar...pls count me in.
Lulusan dari universitas gadjah mada. Sudah 8 tahun di Amerika.
So excited to find this thread. I have never encountered any Indonesian here.
Udah dapat ivs belum??
udah. congrats. recent grads?
Iya, memang agak jarang yah.. Tapi glad to meet all of you too.
Saya ada beberapa IV, tapi daftarnya juga gila2an...:p
Ratusan program dan kemana2 (FM, IM, PedsSmile
tahun lalu saya gagal match.
no ..I am quite an old graduate (1998). Passed all of steps. This year is my second participation in the match. did not have much luck last year. What about you?
Iya, saya masih
hi gumregah. nice to meet you guys here. needs visa ? any usce ? wah mahal bgt kalo daftar berapa ratus.
mudah-mudahan kita semua bisa berhasil tahun ini. Saya dapat 4 ivs tahun ini. Attended two of them. Dapet 2 FM, 1 diagnostic radiology, 1 ped. Got semua invitations in September. Habis itu, cuman rejections terus selama 1 bulan. Nggak tahu nih...getting quite worried myself. Kalian semua bagaimana??
what's your credential ? any experience after grads ? good for you you have radiology iv. that's hard to get
How was the two interviews ? Did you get positive respond from them ?
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