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Failed , worst moment of my life - advil245
i know how terrible it is to fail in CS. success is not one day achievevent , its an evolution. evryone has to go through the ups and downs of life. think BIG. recocgnize ur talent one day u'll surely be successful. never give up.
I had excellent performance in my CIS part but failed in SEP because i spoke english very fast (then i realized american english is not spoken such fast) and second time i spoke very slowly & and i passed . above all second time i was confident. so confidence is key to success.
there are thousands of suggestions on this forum for CS . i'd like to say few things how i got excellent in CIS part.
For CIS part -be yourself, be confident, try to please SPs anyhow. be nice, show compassion.
i asked permission for everything, smile, say sorry and thank you at least 25-30 times . its very important to say sorry or thank you appropiately during P/E. Never hurry.
Most of the SPs will be sitting with their legs hanging down. when u need to examine abdomen , u'll ask hime to lie down, after done with abd exam , ask SP do u like to lie down or sit up? all SPs wants to sit up . help them during lying down and sitting up. never forget to pull leg extension.when SP sits up ask SP do u like to keep ur leg like this or hanging down ?
then hold their legs on ur forearms and push back the leg extension. in my case all SPs became happy with these gentle performances . if patient is having headache ask does light bother u , then swithc off the main light, another small light will be there.
although i couldn't finish 3 cases in time, i had just finished P/E . i passed. hope this helps and i'll post more later.
lalita2008, i want to write you, please give me your email.
joe168, are you making fun of those who failed. Please dont do this , this hurts a lot.
Money is not the matter, Failure takes away the confidence, it depresses down the moral.
I think all those who have failed are fighting with themselves at this stage. Please dont hurt anyone.
advill give me your number i canhelp you dont get depressed
it s not practice its understanding the point system and achieving all points . you dont have to play like argentina< you will loose you have to play like italy means deffencive each step make sure that got that point on the check list
Dear friends.........I understand deep sorrow and feeling that........Inspite of doing all hard work..........having all Career on stack..........why god,why with me,that too at this so so crucial time.........But all that does not makes pain less but makes the thing worst.............I know two of my friends , one got 99,99,in step1 and ck ,other also in high 90's...... one having 5 interview calls .........sure to be matched if would have passed.............SO it can happen with anyone even with person with good Eng and High scores .................Sometimes its difficult to predict what went wrong....................SO CHEER UP............ITS time to show them again that we are as Solid as Iron.........We will stand out again and will be on TOP of things In spite of all odds............ Want to share FEW key points with all of you which i followed....................................... SAVE as much as you can in PE bc this carries only few point so just touch every system as point written on FA with every case ;................ USE abbreviation for every thing from history taking to physical to counseling.... so u need not to think even for a movement (For History i used this...; ............for PE i used formulas like this......JCO-CAR for CVS case that means Jugular,Carotid,O oedema and distal pulses then Cvs complete,Resp only auscul 2 points,Abdo only auscultation and palpation of liver depending on case ,you can make easily for other too like for resp HN-CAR that is head ,neck for thyriod and lymph nodes,resp in detail,cvs and abdo auscultation ;.......... For counseling use forum contains several posts with good pneumonics )........... So that you spend most of the time in good communication with patient ....GOOD confident Introduction GOOD History taking GOOD counseling (I followed this---- Kaplan check list for CS...........I passed with the above.......studied hard for 2 months but didn't get a partner so gave exam with self practicing in room in timed mode............passed only by gods grace in spite of having very avg spoken English, and no so good IPS............................................................................................................................... So just have faith in god and believe in yourself..........and believe me no body gets the things before his/her due time and destiny........... even all those who passed,some of them will not match inspite of all goods ...........and Everybody gets the desired goal who shows persistence and continue to do hard work to get his/her goals..........
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