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Step 2 CK classes in NEWYORK - tuitionclasses
on the request and support of most of my students I'm hereby starting a quick review courses In STEP 2 and STEP 1 encompassing various strategies to deal specifically with questions in USMLE format !!!!!!!
ever wondered that "I'm pretty good at theories but still getting bad results when going through the USMLE WORLD ,KAPLAN Q bank and all those other run-of-the-mill preview lessons" , you know why they won't matter to you a lot because only the STUDENTS that have been through this painstaking effort know the real jiist and core of what it feels like to to prepare for this exam, all those long stressfull days ,all those haslling about a single piece of information , all those minute-by-minute wait of the countdown and most of all the real problem faced by the student not about the CONTENT of the question but about the FORM or STYLE of the question ,confused right answers as well as confident about the wrong ans , this is it and then being exactly opposite, but it doesn't have to be that way, because well if you can find serenity in chaos viz-a-vis what information really matters in a question is usually camouflaged by all the unnecessary details ,and that ,not only that I can break it down easily , but also can easily explain,communicate and teach effectively to my students
If you try you lose nothing ,but if you don't try sometimes you may miss the point of ""missing nothing-that's-good-and-effective in life
well right now I'm creating a REVIEW class in NEW YORK AREA and the sessions will begin at FEB 20TH and MARCH 1st 2009 and a FREE - TEST FOR REVIEW CLASS will be held prior to that, and it's your own will and willingness to proceed further with my courses
If any quesitons and suggestions mail at USMLEFOR99@GMAIL.COM

Anybody who would like to ace in the USMLE step 1 and USMLE step 2 examinations, can take tuition classes with me ,remember that every individual is a unique individual with different USMLE goals and with diff motivation and varying intelligence and diif pros and diff cons
Question -Why me ?
Well I™ve given my USMLE step 1 and USMLE step 2 examinations and in USMLE step 1 I got 99 percentile ,3 digit score would be 262 and a star performance in every subject ranging from Behavorial sciences to pathology and in USMLE step 2 examination -99 percentile with 3 digit score 260
Experience in teaching “ I personally conducted various forms of classes in all the pertinent USMLE subjects “one on one to one to 35 student per teacher ratio in my home-country. and also have a varying degree of experiences in USA too with many different students
Question-Why not others???
Well then anybody who has gone to the Kaplan centre would know well that it™s too expensive (little bang for quite hefty bucks ) but I™ll personally guarantee you with pre-session classes or free practice session for an hour that mine is big bang for little bucks and extra study materials will be provided that you may not have , I guarantee that for sure .
Well in writing so I might have sounded a little too over the edge but ,let me assure you ,totally and truthfully, I™m not being egodystonic here but just am giving the statement on the basis of right insight and judgement .
Question “ if yes then how much will it cost?
Well it depends ,a price of an hours class will be determined at any give time on the confluence of the demand and the supply factors, sorry just kidding .
Question “ where then ?
Well classes are available around the NEWYORK area, namely Staten Island, Brooklyn, Manhattan , Queens and Bronx and also New Jersey and Long island.
Interested ?“ contact me in my e-mail address at USMLEFOR99@GMAIL.COM and leave your contact details
To understand me and my intentions just ponder on my principle I follow wherever I go


well to clearly objectify it and be concrete and not abstract on how to study
here's the basic identity equation of productivity


well 1st of all let's talk about quantity, people have told me that, yeah it's just easy, for that just to increase the quantity you have to read a lot , be in front of the books but you know what happens most of the time FOR e.g. some students tell me that they've read for 8 hours since 1 month and when I further magnify into the time frame ,their attention span was so low that 1/4 of the time they were thinking about other things ,taking breaks, a lot ,physical or cognitive wise straying away from the real USMLE issues and thinking about trivial things like ˜what color is Barack Obama ?™ I know some people can™t help it and their attention span is low ,it™s in their nature , but tell you something empirically , based on statistical evidence , nurture can easily win over nature , and thus everybody who™s anybody can increase their attention span just by repetition , motivation and goal orientation ,
REMEMBER “ it isn™t how much time do you sit in front of the book but it™s how much time do you give your UNDIVIDED attention to the book , don™t waste any second and better pluck every second of your study time ,every second the clock is ticking towards your judgement day , the EXAM DAY

QUALITY “ to increase our quality of study time there™re few things that you can do like

1. Diet “studies have proven that have that having antioxidants in your diet like contained in blueberries or cranberries can bolster our memory and form new brain cells and synapses and prevents the degradation of nerve cells and synapses that™re newly formed memories so I cannot stress more than this that you should have antioxidants in your diet ,remember the w-3 FAcids that are supposed to prevent bloodvessel damage and replace the proinflammatory w-6 FA ,what it also does is it increases our Nerve membrane fluidity and hence increase our memory ,as any of you who™re seriously interested in how memory forms might know that for LTM to occur there is a change in the shape of postsynaptic membrane, hence w-3 FA increase our memory retaining capacity ,practically you can buy those fish oil capsules that are found in any drugstore but remember not to buy the organ based oil like cod liver oil because somefish concentrate heavy metals in their organs but to buy the fish body oil and Walnuts are also an excellent source that™re found in any supermarket all without the fussiness of having to break it up through the shells

2. EXERCISE “ every and anybody knows that short- stresses like exercise increases nerve cell production in the hippocampus and hence forms new memory cells , and also to be given the fact that muscles secrete neurotrophins and nerve growth factor after a brief period of AEROBIC hurt pumping exercises, not the anaerobic muscle building exercises , so what I would recommend is that do atleast 30 mins of exercise atleast 3 times per week but remember the 1st timers have to take it slowly and gradually increasing your level of exercise and not to get so much into exercise that you don™t have much energy left to STUDY


3. ACTIVE LEARNING VS PASSIVE LEARNING “ remember that some students of mine just keep on reading books and books and they do that so mechanistically, I™m not saying that you shouldn™t read books but what I™m just trying after each chapter of reading , close the book and try to recapitulate what you™ve just read and try to think what questions are they likely to give from this chapter , this one is very imp rather than just passively reading try to get it on get in the mood and formulate questions, formulate ideas, capture the big picture 1st and then only proceed onto details and do a free association thinking like what you™ve read today ,act ,move make pictures , talk to yourself, talk to others about what you™ve just read, do these things and I™ll guarantee you that things are more easily remembered

i don™t believe in intelligence and IQ testing but I rather believe in something else the way of memorising ,the way to become intelligent
times have change and so do we have to change in all aspects of life and so my dear readers i propose you this that by the time you finish reading i'll guarantee you this even though you will not be perfect in medicine or in other aspects but i guarantee you this that you'll be a lot wiser than before .
well 1st of all medicine as we all MBBS students know is pretty tough and we have to extend our full memory to the limit of unextensibilty and funniest of all things is that we have never classes in any of the medical colleges on how to increase our memory or even more on how to increase our capacity or way of memorising things
as we all know it we have a near to perfect photographic memory and why is that the proces of human evolution it became very much necessary to have a photographic memory why ? just because we had to remember people's faces and landscapes and learn how a tiger or snakes look like to survive in this ecosysytem and it took years and years of perfect evolution to make it just that a near to perfect photographic memory and i'll tell that we've the worst numerical memory cause we hadnot encounter them in the early years of evolution and just these last centuries that we've become accustomed to numbers and numerical memory is in a cradle stage of evolution and so hence i don't have to emphasize that the best memory is a photographic memory ...i'll tell you this though i can remember my last girlfriends face very well her natural curves and her i20 figure but as much as i try to remember her telephone no i simply can't even though i had dialed up her number 100000000000 times without the use of phone book and those times i could tell her number like a mechanical robot , you may hev many such kind of instances too
So in a jist my fellow USMLEiites what i'm simply trying to say that don't try to remember numbers like the length of the spinal cord or the magical dosages of drugs in a simple memorising way like repeating " length of spinal cord 45 cm" for 100000 times in a instance before an exam I'll bet you'll forget them in 10 days ... what I'm not trying to say it is impossible to remember numbers but it's definitely harder and require much more energy and your precious time
but we can do one thing though correlation, correlation ,correlation and correlation
for eg what is the dosage of sodium thio- pentone a ultra short acting barbituarate used in induction anaesthesia
well there are two ways of remembering this fact one way is the before exam way repetition 1000 times and the other way is wonderful correlation .....well the ans was 4-7 mg/kg but how could i correlate it ??????then i saw sth well for the fact thio has 4 words and pentone has got seven words so voila in my whole life i could never forget the fact that this is it and to make it more useful i would always say thiopentone only,, never use sodium thiopentone as it could potentially could confuse me later on
well for another instance take for the fact that on what no.chromosome does the gene for neurofibrimatosis reside in ?well the ans was NO 17 Chromosome now how could i possible play with this number ..... then voila i hope you got my point ovas and prostates the no of letter guys and then sadly i found out that i found out that there two types of neurofibromatosis ,type 1 and type 2 well then type one was on no 17 chromosome and type 2 was on no 22 chromosome and then i got it voila can you see the correlation over here guys and gals see see
Burkitt lymphoma “ how to remember the translocation number ,be creative and innovative and I got the idea B there™s 8 then at œit œ I see 14 , so 8-14 just like that and Mantle zone lymphoma and Wilm™s tumor and EWING™S tumor ,M or W , I can see 11 in all of them and magically they are related to 11 no chromosome
just like this wilson disease is on no 13 chromosome and all that last example cri-du-chat syndrome what no chromosome the ans is chromosome no.5 now pause for a few secs and do a brain aerobics and correlate for yourself and not for me
well this is how i correlated -du 2 words-cri3 words-chat4 words and 234 then comes 5
well you might ask why go through all this trouble to remember but remind you,, like this you will never forget these numbers and even more numbers are hard to keep memories but like this you can keep it forever
and well theoretically we can correlate things with anything and individual polymorphisms are definitely there about how we correlate but still results are always the same viz a viz immortalization of mortal memory
Our human memory and mind is shaped is such a way that we tend and so can easily remember things that are usually extreme in all aspects we tend to remember what's very obnoxious or very disgusting or very frightening or very sexy and inapproriate so how can we use this in our advantage.... we can correlate this with anything that's boring and very hard to remember like say a medical fact like iron is absorbed in duodenum folic acid in jejunum and B12 and Bile salts in ileum now to comes a time to use my childhood crush of whom i can never forget her name sweet sexy BRITNEY
"I" "F"****** "B"ritney
just like that Oh Oh Oh Try Touch And Feel Virgin Girls Vagina Ah Heaven the 11 cranial nerves (note this mnemonic can be only useful for the XY )
Note this my friend the most wonderful discovery for us medical students was the Mnemonics and i hope you're very much familiar with note the best mnemonics are not mine or not in the book of mnemonics not on the annual journal of mnemonics BUt only your OWN it's how you correlate with yourself
but on some instances some very bright young guys do make some wonderful ones like take this for instant and you shouldn't at times to hesitate using those
LIKE FOR INSTANCE take this exam question "Write short note on Marfan syndrome" at my juvenile times i could have panicked seeing this question but right now i'm equippped with sth that makes me a dare devil ,...................
MMM mitral valve prolapse cause of sudden death in these patient
AAA aotic dissection most common cause of death
RRR regurgitaition of aortic valve
FFF FibrilliN defect on FifteeN no chromosome (see the no.correlation here i will never forget this)
AAA arachnodactyly
NNN nuchoid proportions
SSS subluxation of lens
spontaneous pneumothorax

another possible exam question is this one well--- tell me how you will manage a patient who comes to your clinic with a acute pulmonary edema ?hehehahhah you douchebag viva taker I™ll get you now

LLLL lasix stat
MMM morphine stat
NNN nitrate sublingual tab stat
OOO oxygen 100 % stat
PPP patient upright

COPYRIGHTS @ 2009 TUITION CLASSES ( this is a personally written paper based solely to help Students in any field)

Guaranteed Pass USMLE Course

We are ‘Reinventing the way that we that teach traditional medical education… (Guaranteed Pass USMLE Course): ’ (Why?)


Program Information

Commences on the 1st day of each month, 2013
Terms: If you do not PASS THE USMLE, you will PAY NOTHING; otherwise you will pay $15,750 (discounted to $11,750 for all registrations prior to 3-31-2013) upon achieving your success .

General Description

This WEB-BASED (COMBINED WITH PERSONALIZED TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTION) course brings together a faculty who possess a multidisciplinary perspective and range of preparatory methods that students may not typically be exposed to in standard public or even elite USMLEpreparatory institutions. New research is revealing new and promising approaches to the mastery of cognitive and learning skills; a top-notch professional program must present these advances to its students. We recognize this and thus, through informal personalized seminars, debates, and feedback sessions, we explore and identify the general principles that span the range of areas that are tested within the various sections of the USMLEs steps I,II-CK and III.

Who We Are*

We are a leading provider of superior medical licensing examination preparatory solutions empowered by advanced examination- content outline analysis, examination abstraction, and content learning-verification systems. Applying a unique combination of standardized lectures, rigorous-note-taking technique development, state-of-the art ‘real-time’ board- examination-type experiences, and comprehensive evaluative services, the student is ensured of success.

2000 in Ohio, with expansions to CT and NY
Contact Ph 641.715.3900 ext 833768 or

Other Primary Office Locations

Additional offices and academic employee-instructors are maintained throughout the country, supporting services for all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

This program was founded by an IVY LEAGUE -trained and educated, MD, with remarkable research and clinical credentials as well . This program is thus intended for like-minded, driven, goal-oriented, professionals that MUST SUCCEED WITH A 100% GUARANTEE of their SUCCESS without which THEIR ENTIRE FEE WILL BE RETURNED, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!).


More than 15 different states are represented in our past student body, including those graduating from local, and nationwide private and public medical educational institutions located in the Continental and Central Americas, Canada and the other six continents.

Why Us?

The professional medical licensure-bound international and LCME medical graduate and student community has been under heavy scrutiny for years, and has faced many challenges. A positive change is vital to the health of this over-burdened population. We are committed to enabling this change through our development and provision of the industry’s leading board-educational solutions. Our superior methods and services are proving to be extremely beneficial to not just students of average science ability, but even “medical school -topping” valedictorians, and salutarians as well.

Through our exclusive, multidisciplinary approach, advanced infrastructure of well-researched preparatory materials, we are able to provide significant breakthroughs in the quality and overall performance of the student in his or her USMLE. We achieve this through our maintenance of the best academic information review and abstraction infrastructure in the nation. Our vast access to numerous past board examination-based resources allows us to obtain an expansive superset of relevant examination-related data. From this, we channel evidence-based data, to reveal and implement unequivocal educational innovations.

Our collective experience and expertise in the use of analytics, improves the accuracy, comprehension, timeliness and availability of our materials, which serves as a testimonial to our dependability and history of success. Our insightful solution design enables results that are unparalleled in quality and performance.

While strategy and foresight are indicative of our unique approach, we also deliver the operational depth with which to implement our results. Our diverse team is made up of a variety of academic educational professionals, all of whom play a vital role in masterminding our system and executing our progressive, end-to-end board examination solutions. Through this fully integrated, nationwide arsenal of specialists, we position ourselves as a leading results provider within the USMLE-based-education industry today.

Reiterating our Bottom line: If you do not PASS THE USMLE, you will PAY NOTHING; otherwise you will pay $15,750 (discounted by $4000 to $11,750 for all registrations prior to 3-31-2013) upon achieving your success .
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