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For greeneyes - varsha
hi, did you get any response from UTHSC san antonio Fp program after second look brunch. did u get the letter or post card everyone is talking about,or any emails from PD.I attended second look brunch but i did not get any response after that. I 'll appreciate your response.
Hi, varsha...

I think you shouldn't over analyze things now. What's done it's done. Just hope for the best and wait for the results....
But, to answer your question, I didn't go to second look brunch due to several reasons. However, I got the letter and the post card after my interview. Even though it was handwritten, still it looked very generic. After that, I also received a nice email from PD, PC and a faculty member. So, I can't help you with the feedback after second look since I didn't attend.

I am sure it all went well for you. Don't stress out now. All we can do now is wait. Good luck, of course, in any case....
greeneyes, when did you receive the nice emails you were talking about? was also invited for the second look and unfortunately, i wasn't able to attend it as well.

did you email them first before they emailed back to you, after a ranking email maybe? i never got any response since the invitation. thanks.
hi, doitanyway...

I received those emails soon after my interview. Maybe 2 wks after. I did email them first with thank you letters, and then they replied back. But letter and post card I received few days after the interview and they have sent it on their own.

I haven't received any ranking email though. Have you? What exactly was its content?
Thanks for the reply.i know things r out of our hands but since it is my only interview so thats why I'm stressed out.
Hmm, I understand your concern varsha. It must be tough. And no matter what anyone says to you, you will be stressed out until the match results are in. Hell, we all are, but I can just imagine how tough it must be to have one interview. Well, I really do hope you'll match. Keep us posted....
Hi greeneyes,
Hope u don't mind my being nosy.. How highly did u rank uthscsa-1,2 or 3. I have a strong feeling that i'd be matching there, and I'd really like to know u and work closely together.

hey notch 2 ,how come you have such a strong feeling about matching at uthscsa. did the program told u that they are going to rank you high or did u get any other indication?
I kinda established a good correspondence with pd

greeneyes, i didn't get any ranking mail..... i don't think they would do that, i believe that they're very confident about their program that they have to.....

notch2 and varsha, we'll find out on the 16th then the 19th, it's all in God's hands now..... just pray hard....

good luck and God bless to us all!
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