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Data Collection Mnemonic for Phone Encounter - digi_doc
Most people seem to be failing due to inadequate data collection. If this is of any help, I would like to share a mnemonic to ensure u ask everything during a phone encounter for diarrhoea:

ON CALL IDIOT ['On Call'since this is a phone encounter] - please dont think about "idiot" being offnesive - it is just a mnemonic people !

O - Onset ?
N - Number of Times a Day?

C - Consistency ? / Color? / Content ? [Blood, Fat, Mucous ?] + Crying ? Cramps Suggestive ?
A - Associated Symptoms [Fever, Runny Nose, Cough, Ear Discharge ?, Vomitting ?]
L - Listless baby ? Lethargic, not Sleeping ?
L - Liquids not passing ? [i.e. not urinating ?]

I - Immunization up to date ?
D - Diet Change ? Dehydration signs ? Day Care Center ?
I - Infections in family ? Immunicompromised mom ? [HIV ?]
O - ORS counseling
T - Travel history recently ?

Write this down on ur sheet before u pick up the phone...and u are ready to rock and roll !! practice the order of questioning at home on a phone while u practice with ur study partner !

and ofcourse make sure u ask the name of the baby first and then refer to him/ her by name :-) I guess you can tweak the mnemonic a bit for a case of fever too !

Thanks for sharing this.will be a gr8 help
thankyou so much
good one
thats great thanks
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