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Didnt matched AGAIN!!!! - mistake_nohope
Didnt matched......again!!!!!

S1 76(2)
S2 86(2)
CS (1)
S3 not yet

8 yrs grad..

2009 1 int (FM univ--No contacts) -- unmatched
2008 3 int (FM univ, IM univ-comm-- no contact, 1 FM comm - with contact) -- unmatched
2007 1 int (FM comm--contact, but Not ECFMG cert. yet on ROL) -- unmatched

11 univ basic research, 6 months FM observership, 5 months IM observership, 5 mo clinical research...PI wants me to send to post doc MS, but I decline due to my residency application.

1 publications
2 abstract
1 ongoing research
cream of the crop in med school

What will i do next?
If i will shift and apply for psych would not ask why i have initially on FM/IM observership then apply for psych -- if they will is it good idea to go into psych??

help me friends.

Just to count how much money the match.

2009= 1 int / applied to 40
2008= 3 int / applied to 100
2007= 1 int/ applied to 35

thats, 11 months basic research

and second msg....thats do the math..

email: mistake_nohope

No doubt it is a big set back for you not to match for 3 years. But donot give up, be persistant you will ind something.

I have one question. You wrote `cream of crop on med school` , but than how do you explain multiple attempts and such low scores in your steps?

I think the multiple attempts are the biggest red flag on your application. You cant change that so just concentrate on getting quality USCE and good LOR`s for next match. Good Luck!
I took them step 1&2 1 month apart.... step1 read a little bit then failed, got personal issue along the way... got depressed about it on top of that family issues... so to cope up with that i worked 70-90 hrs/ wk while on should be preparing for step 2 scheduled, so took step 2 no reading at all....Thats why I got MISTAKES on usmle exams....
In 2008 FM invitation in Univ program, PD asked that same question kaisarsozay,

And I said same the end He told me, "oh thats why.. but good thing you passed the CS once, and imporved score..then said... I will ranked you, because I believed you are compassionate, intelligent, and lots of experiences...

Then on lunch time, I asked some of the residents, i got the good chance coz that PD never mentioned to candidates about ranking status of was hopefull then....but donno anybody in the program, and residents told me that they ganna vote thier bet on ROL...So time be friend with residents they have some say on ROL... But I think if they rank 40 then probably I am on the 40th lol..or PD is just false hope....and those good high mle scorer are infront of me, (understandable)...Anyway, i learned my dont take usmle for granted...

As well as the IM univ-community, was interviewed with one atttending, she was impressed the way I answered all the questioned she asked me, medical and non-medical, she said I will wait for the PD, she will refer me to PD, as she told me if I am the one who ganna decide now, I will give you a pre-matched, and go out talk to other faculty, said no pre matched yet to give...then she told me to wait for that PD, but never showed 45mins waiting, PC look up my paper she said, you got a good chance...but problem is PD still the final say....I wished that attending is the PD....again. its not for me.

Hopely will not get tired of apply...then get interview...then unmatched.

Guys: Those preparing for usmle score high no the key.
I think for you it will be luck, being at the right place at the right time.

There are so many people with 99s or high 90s that people like me who have scores in low 80s feel they have low scores.

But attempts are especially not good to have.
I would suggest to really prove you are good, try to get exceptionally high scores in Step 3.
I know it is easier said then done, but I have seen few people on this forum with really high Step 3 scores, so it can be done.

I have scores of 82/81/cs no attempt/80 step3. Also had one year USCE in IM, inspite of this did not get a single IM interview, which shows that due to higher competition, and many more people applying, scores are becoming really even more important, as it is a quick way to sort through applications.
So if someone has a wow factor going in their scores, chances are likely they will be called in... In your case a score in 90s on Step 3 will likely do that as Step 3 is supposed to be the hardest.

I am not trying to be rude, but sometimes making backup plans is a nice option. As they say successful people always have a Plan B, just in case Plan A does not work.

Since you have research experience, maybe that is another option you should look into, personally if I could, had ever the opportunity, would have seriously considered going into research. Money might not be that good, but you are still going to help a lot of people.

Just to add I am not another pissed off applicant trying to discourage people, I did get a match in FM, and am really happy about it, after all the hardwork.

Just am trying to help you as you seriously working hard for this...
Looking at your post.....No offence.......I think your main issue is your english and communication skilss
i bit of hope and help
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