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Erythroblastosis fetalis and RhoGAM - nuestra
The treatment for Erythroblastosis fetalis is to give Rhogam to mom at 28weeks and again within 72hrs after birth..............

There is----stimulation of T-dependent immune response which will result in generation of memory Bcells which are capable of production of IgG antibody against RhD...........

So the to prevent we give human anti-RhD IgD at 28week and then human anti-Rhd IgG antibody within 72 hours after birth.

My question is ???????

When the mom has antibodies against IgG right why do we have to give anti RhD-IgD at 28week why not anti IgG ?

Bit confused please help............
RhoGAM is given at 28 week to neutilize if any 'anti D Ig' already present in the maternal circulation to decrease the titre, so that it will be less than 1:8( the effective titre to cause HDN) if st all enters the newborn circulation during delivery.

At 72 hrs after birth: to neutralise any remaining or 'anti D Ig' developed as a result of newly entered 'D' from the newborn during delivery- to prevent issoimunisation and thus HDN in the future pregnancy.

coz I dnt know, if these antibodies can enter to newborn thru milk??? so the second dose is not for this baby.

So overall, RhoGAN is meant to neutalise any significant amount of Anti'D' Ig!

Correct me if I m wrong!
RhoGAM is given to pregnant women at 28 week if Rh-, but atypical antibody (anti-D antibody) is negative (not sensitized yet) to prevent hemolysis in the baby.

If Rh-, and anti-D antibody is positive, do not give RhoGAM. You are too late. Just watch closely.
Hi cstopass -
I donot understand if mother RH is - and ATT also - so why we give to Rohogam????
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