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i leave the nose for you buddies:)) - stefan78
The BEST timing for a radiograph of the
nose is:
A) As soon as possible after the trauma, once other
injuries are stabilized and more important problems
are addressed.
B) As soon as possible to assure that there are no
bone fragments threatening the brain.
C) There is no need for a radiograph acutely. You can
wait for 3 or 4 days.
D) There is no call for plain radiographs of the nose.
CT is preferable.
C) There is no need for a radiograph acutely. You can
wait for 3 or 4 days.

The diagnosis depends on physical examination.
* Imaging studies are rarely needed in the evaluation of nasal fractures.
* Plain films are often obtained in emergency departments, but the diagnosis is made based on physical examination findings. As many as 47% of patients with nasal fractures have negative findings on x-ray films.
* CT scan is also not routinely required. An exception is made for patients in whom more significant injuries are suggested.
o The force applied to the mid face may cause Le Fort or other midface fractures, orbital blowouts, and naso-orbito-ethmoid complex fractures. In patients with the latter, a CSF leak is possible, with CSF rhinorrhea. Nasal fractures are often associated with such severe injuries.
o The decision to order CT scans is made based on the history and associated physical examination findings that raise the physician's index of suspicion regarding associated injuries.
hmmm brawo zkhademSmile
stefan, when is your exam ?
Sad My exam depression and stress has started. I think I need to hit the books.
Thank you for the quizzes and questions Smile
ok zkhadem go ahead and hit the books..i have not taken the date i am not able to study all the time because am busy with own stuff.!!

Smile I haven't get any date yet and haven't applied also but my plan in July.
All the best, stefan78. Smile
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