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Alhamdulillah, I passed CS, ANYONE NEEDS HELP - dr_salim
Alhamdulillah, I passed my CS today.

Anybody who would like to have some advice or help on CS plz ask.

As I cleared my CS in first attempt and in 9 days of study, with all the guidance that my friends gave me and also the forum, I would like to share it with those in need.

Thank you Allah for making me so blessed.

I need some advise i could not clear in ICE it showed lower performance in pt note. Can i have ur number or email i need ur guidance...
Sorry to hear that from Pontiac.

Email address is drsalimakhai

What I did for patient note is that I saw only 2-3 PN's in FA when practising cases. Then in rest of the cases what I would do is, go through the case and then write a PN by myself and then crosscheck with FA. This way when I started doing, I almost eliminated my mistakes till the 20th Case, when still 11 cases were remaining.

Anything else u wanna know, go ahead and ask.

my exam in 10 weeks...m really stressed.....plez can u guide me to prepare in 10 email id is usmle.usmle56
waiting for ure reply.
can u please help exam in 10 days
I'll post my schedule in this thread in the next 10 mins.
Thanx amina207

I would give u my schedule. That worked out for me well. See if it works out for u too.

10 Days. Start with FA and read the crap in the first section. It is not crap, it is all u will need 2 say in the exam to the SP. We feel like its really easy. But it isn't. Then when u start doing cases, read the first 3 cases like a textbook and also read the PN's to get an idea as to hv the case will be in the exam. Now from the next case onwards, just read the poening scenario and ask urself as 2 what wud u ask the pt with this scenario. Keep in mind all the mnemonics like LIQORAAA, PAMHUGSFOSS, etc, etc. Continue doing so for the next 10-15 cases. During this very time keep crosschecking whether u ask is there in FA or not. And tick mark all the things u forgot 2 ask the SP. Now think what examination wud u do in such a SP. Crosscheck. Anything missed, mark it. Then write a PN for the case all alone, without looking in FA (FA gives u some space for writing a PN for each case). Then cross check. Anything missed, mark it. By the time I reached the 20-22 case, I was writing real good PNs. And also doing good. Then i completed the FA 27 cases and started UW. Again read all the crap before the cases. This is the same as FA, but u need some revision, so read it. Keep an eye on whats new and assimillate it. Now do the UW cases in the same fashion as doing FA. I know this is all too boring. But here's something that will be interesting. Whenever u fell like disinterested watch the UW videos and do exactly the same as he does in the exam on the SP. I know there are many issues that have to be dealt with. But thats the way this exam is. In videos he uses a male SP and literally speaking in exam I got 5 female SPs. And for every SP u need to examine/auscultate the heart and lungs---- never thru the gown. So u get my point. Many such issues, but as I said thats the way it is....

to be continued.....


See all these videos atleast twice. Then keep doing the cases. Here comes the most important part of ur study,PRACTICE. The key to success in CS is both time management and practice. I practiced in a different fashion. I and my partner did system wise and general exam on each other and then pointed out our mistakes. MAny people do it on a case 2 case basis. But that wud take a long time, so we didnt. U won't believe, but I practised for only 7 hrs and thats it. Lastly on our practice day, we gave each other 3-3 cases and actually simulated the exam. I did finish 2 cases on time and 1 went overtime, But thats it. There no 99 in this test. For me 2 pass that was excellent.

For opening and closure and counselling, everything was defined. I spoke the same to each patient over and over again. Just kept chaning some words.

My opening: Hello, Mrs Kelly. I am Dr Memom and I am here to see u as ur physician 2day. So is everything i this room alright for u.

SP says YES.

Me: Let me make u a little more comfortable. (and then drape the patient).

Then Ask: so Mrs Kelly, what seems to be the problem today. and u r on ur way.............

2 b continued.........
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