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"praise jesus,passed in phili 1st attempt" - tibebe
took exam may 5th,
resource: FA & NEERAJ notes
preparation time:6 wks
exam: 1st encounter run out time(w/c helps me to act boldly & aggressively on the subsequent encounters so that i shall not repeat the same, in doing so u may be forced to omit(trim) some hx qns & P/E but helps u to finish the case in time & do short & nice closure and also no body will expect u to be perfect c this restrained time.
i benefitted from this forum on may issues regarding the exam & now,i'll try my best to answer if u have any qns or concern!
the SPs are cooperative
good luck for those preparing to take the exam!
Congratulations, Tibebe!

Would you mind telling me what kind of hx questions and P/E can be omitted? Did you mean systemic review questions? As for P/E, did you focus only on the system involved?


hi maria
yes i mean just elaborate the chief complaint as much as possible but w/n trying to r/o or rule in D/DX for ex for hypothyroidism u may ask only feeling of cold intolerance (u may omit wt gain, change of voice , skin & hair changes but if u managed to have ample time u can ask all)
regarding P/E u shud be pertinent as much as possible & for others like chest & heart exam ,w/c are routine ones ,u don't have to auscultate many places(what i've done in exam ,chest auscutation: anterior 2 places(one rt & one lt) the same posteriorily
and also for pertinent exam like CNS, u don't have to do procedures that tests simmilar fn
eg for testing cerebellar fn just choose one among the heel to shin, pronation-supination or finger to nose test for me i choose to ask pt to alternatively pronate -supinate the hand aft i demonstrated to the pt,it is economical time wise than others........u have to decide on others while doing timed practices c live partners ,it 'll help u a lot !
Thanks, Tibebe. That's really helpful. Did you encounter any neuro exam in the exam? I always find that I don't have enough time. Do you know of a shorter version? What about MMSE? Do I ever need to do a complete MMSE?
congrats partner
hi maria
i didn't encounter CNS case but as u said CNS P/E is very time taking one's decision may vary but u shud practice c a live partner & know how much time u'r behind ,practicing repeatedly will give u a skill & may also shorten the time significantly but still if u have time issues as i said u have to concentrate on big picture & try to do @least one from each group (for me on CNS P/E ,i will prioritize CN exam,then sensory , motor & DTR ,for cerebellar fn u may do gait if u have time if not do one pronation-supination test ,for MMSE ,i will assess only the TPP( time,person & place)if i have time shrtage,or i'll add short term memory test on 3 objects, if i 've a little bit extra time may add concentration test(asking the pt to do simple tasks ,execute orders)& the best thing is to know w/r ur weakness is & try to correct it asap
for routine CVS exam ,u need to aucultate @most in 2 places(mital & any other eg aortic or tricuspid area)
hi partner gulshan ,i'm very much delighted that u made it!
good luck c ur ck & matching!
thanks for ur input too!
God bless
Thank you so much, Tibebe. I was going to say you're an angel but then I realized that I don't even know if you're a male or female. Hahaha. Good luck with matching!
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