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181 again and again!! - doubtful
Hi everyone,
New to this forum...
I'm in a real crappy position....
I got my step 1 results and failed...
I took the exam before both times..181 and 181...crazy!!
Anyways, I'm really debating on doing either a step 1 live prep retreat or falcon...Can anyone give me any advice...
I already did PASS program so I need something different...thanks...
When did u take your exam? What was your nbme/qbank score?
Hey thanks for the encouragement...
I thought I knew my stuff..I did everything...I did the NBME twice....Got a 360 1st time and 2nd time around got a 480....and a 410 on my 2nd NBME.....I usually got around the early 70s on Q bank and other question banks...One thing I do know is that my biochem,behavioral,Anat and general principles are weak....Anyways, I don't think I can do this on my own again....That's why I was considering to take a course......Any suggestions......
If you are scoring early 70's it means you are morethan good enough. So where did something goes wrong? If you have seen on forum it is uncommon to score in more than 70's especially kaplan q bank.Probably do you panic on exam? look in to your reson for failure and solve it.I am sure you wouldn't score in 70's if you were not good. Good luck.

I would recommend a program like kaplan or falcon to you. I know that falcon gives free tutoring, so that may be a better option for you. People from my school who have failed normally go to falcon and have been happy when they get their test scores back.

Good luck, and don't give up. You just need some help to get you a great score.
hi doubtful
following link will be very helpful to u
my post reply to physio may be helpful

hi physio
dont be upset,u failed by just one point ,next time u will pass.take a rest,have a good sleep so that u will be out of these negative emotions,then analyse what was missing last time,what was the mistakes which u made last time,learn from urs mistakes .believ in urs self n believ in GOD and try urs best next time.
as far as material for test is concerned keplan is sufficient,try to understand the material esp give more focus to HY concepts,the better u understand the material the better u can apply knowledge.first of all note urs weak areas and the topics and concepts
which u did badly in the test or keplan qbank and then study these topics in keplan notes,try to clear the concept,if still didnt understand some concepts then do more and more and more revelent practice questions (read the explanations well to clear concepts) or clear difficult concepts from other review or text books.then go through keplan notes once more with FA and then do more and more practice questions,note again urs weak areas and then take nbme form .GL
hi fayyaz_ameer,,thanx alot for ur help,,u really encouraged me & gave me strength to start again, where are u from? & what are u studying?
hi physio
from pakistan,just to start for the test.
I was able to improve my score 28 points through falcon. I took it last August. There was a former student from one of the schools in the Dominican Republic who came back to visit who improved his score over 50 points.

With a score of 181, you are so close, and only need a little help.

My best to you.

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