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it is a nmbe Q - mamamia
Heparin induse trombocytopenia is due to:
1.Exessive plstelet destruction
2.Factor VIII defic.
3.Inadecvate platelet production
4.Uncontroled activation of coagulation and fibrinolitic cascade
5.Vit K def,
i thought the answer to that one was # 1, because of the LOW platelet count (as the name suggests)
Which did you pick?
agree 1
There are 2 mechanisms for Platelet destruction
1.Immunologic destruction
2.Non-immunologic destruction
So platelet destruction is the answer
heparin binds to AT II, so i think it is 4
sorry, binds to Antitrombin III, so i think it is 4
There is no platelets destruction in heparin induced thrombocytopenia
low platelets count is cause by activation of platelets by heparin induced antibody and excesive thrombosis .Ans4
what is right ans MAmamia
the correct answer is 1, there is an increase in the platelet destruction due to an activationof the reticuloendotelial system.....
After many days on heparin treatment, heparin is bind to the factor 4 in the surface of the platelet..then Ig G is activated an forms inmunocomplex...leading to a destruction manage by the reticuloendotelial system......

hope this helps.....

i´m really tired my exam is in 2 days... AHHHHHH
mamamia what is right ans?
I have read on the internet that reticuloendothelial system is not activated because one of the receptor of immunoglobulin is occupy by heparin and the second by factor 4 so there is no place for reticuloendothelial system instead platelets are activated and thrombosis occurs. But I just read about that so i don't really know what is right ans. Any sugestions?
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