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feel so depressed - sunrayz
hi guys,,

i am feelin very low,, thought i will be able to apply to this yrs match with even step 3 in hand,,

unfortunately am due to give step 1 on 24 th of this month

results due on 16th sept,,

also i don not have any US LORs, i might get 1 US LOR in the mid of Sept,, will tat be of any help as we would have already assigned 4 lors on sept 1st,, n we cannot assign any more LORs to the programs???

am 2004 december graduate??/ will tat cross my 5 yr cut off???

i have 4 LORs from the UK in Internal Medicine,,, step 2 95, CS cleared in 1st attempt,,

i know guys its a long message but , can any kind soul please advise??

i really feel depressed, its like everything has gone out of my hand,,, i feel i havent achieved anything in my life, been idle since last 2 yrs( after leaving my work in the UK)

GUYS, I REALLY NEED SOME HELP,, iam not able to concentrate on my step 1 which is in 10 days
R u effin kiddin me..... what r u so depressed about.... u got 4 UK LORS ,,, they r as valuable as a US LOr ,,,, u got a good step 1 score,,, n u r CS passed.... u r doin jus fine... so stop whining n do wat u gotta do.. study for ur step 1 n get a good score... damn.
hi harshg,

i appreciate yr advice but it cud have been better had it been not tat harsh,,

everybody is different everbody has a different threshold,

did u realise tat i would be crossing 5 yr cut off?? also by the time i wud be certified,, it would be sept 25 th or so.. so was worried tat it would be very late...

also i have a 2 yr career gap... i dont know how to fill it.....i understand tat the programs are using filters,.... if tats the case,,, n USCE is a criteria,,,,, my appli wouldnt even be looked at by the PD......said tat i know there r many people in my position or worse tan mine

but there r many who r better tan me as well

anyway thanks for the advice harshg... sure i will try n study hard for step 1...may be yr advice would make me a little tough in facing things...thank u
Cheer got LoR from's so cool!

Trust in can do it.

Do your best in Step 1 and get 99.....Cheer up!
thank u strongyloid

i will try my best,, rest to god,, if he feels i deserve it, he will surely bless me with it

GL to u too
Hi Sunrayz....I don't think you have any reason to feel depressed! You are in a much better position than many others and I think having UK experience is no less than having USCE....You got a great score on step 2, have already passed CS and are about to take step stand a good chance this season...I know of someone who got interview even after having a gap of 6 years...and of those 6 years, 4 were spent doing nothing at all and the remaining in taking steps and doing a couple of observerships which doesn't amount to much! Scores too weren't so great...95, step there! Who is in a better state then? And, yes...there was no way to explain those 4 yrs (which BTW, was not her fault really) she did nothing clinical or otherwise...what must have even gotten into her head to believe that she stood a chance?....but still she went ahead and gave her best, with her situation notwithstanding! What happened to her?? She couldn't attend the interview coz her husband decided to go back to their native country just then! Haven't you started feeling good about it all alreadySmile My advise would be to take your step 1 as soon as you can and get a good score on 1st on your PS and try to explain those 2 yrs honestly and be optimistic in your PS as well as in your life...whenever you feel so very depressed, Think about the above example and so many others like her and many others who are in even a worse situation than her....Just look around! Thank your God for what he has blessed you with! Count your blessings and instead of focusing on what is wrong in your life, think about all that is right! Good luck and God Bless!
thank u hopeful,,

5 year from graduation and 2 year gap is not that bad.
I graduated in 2002 and studied for the USMLE for 1.5 years and here I am...
Post call intern , answering your post and wanting to go home soon >Wink
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