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Abortion-Hi yield - drstrider
guys it was always been a confsuion for me about different abortion..finally i manged to work on it
though of sharing wit u guys
here the link :

correct me if m wrong Smile


I have few notes on this.

in complete abortion cervix is usually closed but also may be opened (i had a similar question somewhere).

in the managmenet of inevitable, missed, and incomplete follow the following; expectant management (only if 1st trimester) for stable pts who want to wait, Misoprostol for those who are stable and don™t want to wait, Surgery (D&C) for unstable or who don™t want medical therapy.

Gd luck.
Thanks for sharing, nice work.

once all the poc are expelled the os will be closed..i didn't come across open os either in uw or kaplan from which i made these notes

about the management part..i guess its D&C u don't want the pt to go for DIC or any other complication due to excess loss of blood.

anyways..i made them only from uw & kaplan..u can refer any other obs book Smile

To drstrider.

About the oss, I wrote that in my notes, so i had it somehwere for sure.

About management, 80% of women will have succesful outcome with expectant management alone, and for sure u will not wait for it so long, cause most of them will expule the content within 2 weeks, and for sure u will F/U for DIC.

If u had such question in the exam, dont pick expectant management, but just keep it in ur mind if no D&C is there. Smile

I upload this from my notes;

Thank you for sharing.

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