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query - doctor36
how to ask about bad treatment in home especially in case of elderly abuse?
abuse is always a very sensitive issue, but obtaining such a history in an empathetic way is always very scoring but has to be done in a every case that has potential.....finding some small scratch at the back would be enough a trigger to ask a woman for abuse
there is a particular choice of words that one has to use while obtaining such a history....THIS IS HOW IT GOES...
lately , i have been witnessing a good number of people who are living in abusive relationship, coming to my office, so I prefer asking my patients upfront if they are being abused at home, be it physically , emotionally or socially ,In capacity of your physician , i want to assure you that once you share such information with me, i would make sure that you are helped in every way possible and the entire conversation would be kept confidential, so mr / ms ..... do you want to share any such experience with me....
do u feel safe at home?
how is ur relationship w. ur family members?
being physically & emotinally hurt or abused by someone?
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