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pregnancy and residency - atosa
will it be easy?? ok i know the answer to that Q, but is it impossible to be a 1st year resident and pregnant at the same time ??
am really lost don know what to do
i dont have any relatives t help me out more over i have 2 kids(4&2yrs old)
really appreciate ur input
Hi! conratulations on your pregnancy! Each and every child is a blessing. This is a hard question to answer. Residency is Hard and stressful w/ or w/o a baby. You will need all the help you can get to take care of him or her. You know that from experience, I assume since you have 2 kids already. How about your husband? Someone has to be with the baby and the kids 24/7 so you can concentrate on your residency. Good luck!
thank u pinay for ur msg
i feel bad that am thinking that wayabout bein pregnant i know its a blessing and i should't feel this way ..
but thinking about the on-calls, the responsibilities ....etc
and i dont want to through my new born in a day care never??
i know these days people r panic about the match , sorry
atosa, congrats!
why not day care? day cares here not that bad...
It's not as hard as long as you are pregnant ... the real challenge starts when the baby is born and you are in residency without having relatives to help out .... your best bet ? ask your husband to start watching "baby sitting" videos on youtube.... let him have some fun cleaning those diapers while you are work for the household.
You will see many mom are raising kids and doing residency, some of them are single mom. Did you get prematch? If so start looking for stay home nanny now. There are some official website, give a google search for your area. You have 2 kids so that will be a good decesion.Day care is good but you need someone for night. If are in NY there are many who baby sit. I heard both spouse work and they had stay home nanny. At the same time apply for your parents/in laws so they can come here and stay for 6 months by rotation. I know a girl who was in 1st year residency when her son's age was 2 months, she brought her motherinlaw for 3 months then father in law came(3 months after her mother in law) they both stay together for another 3 months and motherrinlaw left after 6 months and came back after 3 months and father inlaw left state once mom came back , they did that rotation for their grandson for 3 years. Then another girl both husband and wife live in diff state as wife has residency and husband went for waiver job at same time and they hired stay home nanny. Husband is hospitalist so he manage to work 2 weeks and come home for 2 weeks.
I know its very hard to do but nothing impossible. And its not my personal experience, I hope other will also help you. If your husband is a non medical person he can find some job that he can do from home and at the same time take care of kids and you need a baby sitter.
GL for your pregnancy and your residency.
who said it is not hard while you are pregnant? It is VERY hard... Moms know what I am talking about. And working 80 hours a week is also VERY hard. Now, put both together... That is why residents prefer getting pregnant on 3 rd ot 4th year of residency, when life i easier...
but anyways, there is already a baby... congrats! you should be able to handle pregnancy and the baby during residency.
Thank u all from the deeeeeeeep of my heart
I love this forum its my only other family here in US
my big worrry is before delivery, as florida said 80hr/wk for pregnant is really difficult if i manage to bring mom over here that will be great.
again thank u all and GOD bless u
wish u all the best
My friend got pregnant in her intern year. Her sacroiliac joints couldn't handle all the running around up and down the stairs for the code blues and all...She had to be on bed rest for the last trimester. Result? her program wants her to spend some extra time after residency. In short, it's not easy at all. In fact it is very hard carrying a baby AND doing that 80-hr(Sometimes more) work week...Be ready for all these challenges!!! Best of luck and lets just hope you'd not face a lot of problems...
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