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drock,iqbalian,samomcos or anyone ...... - icecold
pls tell me how can i overcome anxiety,,,,,,,i m an old grad ....about to take my exam but ...........i m over extra head aches like anything when i think about appearing in the exam or when looking at the date thinking its going to many negative thinkings .......worrying about the stuff dont know....rather than focussing on what i know...............i know nobody knows everything ......i hav idea that staying cool gonna help me but howwwwwwwwwwww how can i reduce my anxiety........i know i can do better if i be myself but this anxiety kills my time...................pls Allah help me
try giving the practice test at the center.....that will help to overcome anxiety and acclimatize to the place
and keep doing questions.......thats the only rx for anxiety.......

just reading books makes u more anxious sometimes
Valerian root an herb which is good for Anxiety,stress and for old graduates like me and you..take it easy..
vitamine D recently they found its help for stress too...if both are not aavailable..bdrink mint and holy basil tea they are great..
if you are above 40 check your blood pressure and sugar...
be strong and go for USMLE
good luck
thanx alot far i m not above 40 but if i dont take this exam soon it will add these years to my age......i was thinking about taking the practice test then i feel i will waste my 2-3 days in that those days i could study more but if it keeps happening to me i have no other choice ..........right now i m revising uw would be difficult to find these herbs .....though i wish i just could eat something and get relaxed.....thanx for ur kind words ....i m missing my friends it looks like i m alone left for this life threatening exam....i
i never posted such depressed msgs but tonight i m really drained ....and at this point of time i cant afford it at all....
eyi... icecold... look at your id man... don't melt. I was same... and still... but reduce anxiety by not thinking about the exam!!! Exam will be there, in exam's place. We are trying and doing our best. So, God is watching us... just think about Him, every time you study... pray to him. If you feel too stressed, talk to your Mom... or think about her how she kept you in your lap... you will see all of your stress will be gone.

Good luck to you Brother Smile
i dont know how this msg got here twice....i think thats a display of my anxiety
hi drock ...thanx bro ....a sisterly thanx.....actually being a female i always think whoever posting mails is a fm...and i think thats the same for others too....hah at least i smiled on it and my anxiety lowered a lil bit........whatever i m doing i m not satisfied if i score better on uw i say oh i m doing it 2nd time i knew this ..i just cant make a smart revision plan ....pls share how u guys managing ur last weeks.....i m pretty slow....
Relax, do other things that you would enjoy doing rather than anxiously thinking of the exams. It will help keep your body relax. Or exert your anxiety on activities like singing or anything that might help keep your mind off the exam for a while. Then return back to studying once you've toned down. You can read some good resources at which i think might help you in many ways. I hope my simple tip helps. Goodluck, you'll do great on the exam! Just keep your cool...
Sorry sis Smile Oh don't worry about that uw thing... you can't imagine how terrible I do... I did that several times and still .... c'mon.... it will be Okey soon... We are human being, forgetfulness is our nature. So...don't worry just keep studying plus prayer side by side. I used to very pious just before exam...Smile Allah knows that... but I think still HE likes me, which is true for everyone. When you are stressed too much do that one, which make you completely stress-less.
Make a routine acc to your your time management. Don't make any dreamy one so you will be more stressed.
Good luck to you.
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