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Respiratory confusion!! - step_123
Anyone understands breath sounds, Precussion, fremitus and tracheal deviation in
bronchial obstrution, pleural effusion, pneumonia, pneumothorax. I have them memorized but I dont understand exactly why !!! Please explain. Thank you
hi step_123, mine condition is little bit same like u bt telling wat so far i understud,
1) bronchial obs- obviously no sounds, percussion decreased coz no air water movement after obstruction
2)pleural effusion-dullness on percussion coz of fluid
3)pneumonia- again dulness coz of frothy fluid of infection
4)tension pneumothorax- on percussion hyperresonant coz of negative air nly, in this air goes in bt doesnt come out and for tracheal deviation as per goljan audio, like if there is forceful knife injury on one side that lacerates lung giving force to it and whch leads to push trachea.
this is wat i knw,
dnt knw abt fremitus
also cross check in goljan lasr RS audio for tension pneumothorax.
ny1 can guide much better?
in pneumonia also EGOPHONY due to consolidation , dnt knw exctly
ny1 help for dat ?
in egophony there is sound like goat.
Anyone? pleaseeee
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