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PERSONAL STATEMENT: the DO's & Dont's u m - wewrite
A personal statement is the most important document after scores, and it is the deciding factor to get you an interview.

You must also know that anyone can write a PS, but this is not just any PS, instead its a must requirement in order to get you into residency - "medical residency." You may have triple-99 but a poor, unfocused PS will get you nowhere - guaranteed! Therefore, its quintessential that your PS editor has residency application knowledge and understand the significance of a PS. After all, a PS can make or break your chances and dreams.

We are medical residents, we know what you need to mention, we also know what you should not mention...we know what the PDs like to see in the PS and what they don't. Most importantly, our tremendous experience through our residencies, other residents, and our knowledge from various PDs, we know how to turn your weakness into your strength [by the way, this is a whole new discussion and how we teach our interview workshop candidates]. Our services are probably very reasonable compared to other non-medical services attempting to write personal statements to help you "getting into residency."

Remember, there is no other easy way to create an outstanding PS. Having your PS edited by our team is the best opportunity you guys have. We only wish we had such services available to us when we were applying. Among the services out there, we are the only team with active medical residents, who are willing to help you. Our goal is NOT to make a few bucks (unlike other non-medical personal statement services) from you - instead we want to start a "legacy." We encourage you to take this opportunity. Do NOT take chances. Its depressing to come back and reapply the next year and invest a whole lot of money over and over. Please don't put yourself into this position just to save few bucks. Just ask yourself this question: how much money you will invest in the applications only, this year, and what percentage of that money you will be investing in PS services? A little amount may get you into residency where you can start your medical career with minimum $45k/year, and we all know that's only a start. :-)

All of you are just as smart as our team; therefore, please make informed decision, after its about you and your career. Hope that helps!

Please visit our website to read our sample material and comments from our previous clients/colleagues.

Best Regards,
Tip of the Day!

A PS should no longer be more than a can be upto two pages long, but limit it to a page.

it is very important to write a compelling letter of some cases it could be the deciding factor
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