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St.Francis Evanston - wayner
Anybody knows anything abouth this hospital in Illinois? Is it a good program? Does the hospital has fellowships? Do the PDs offer prematch!?
I have an iv thr too. Unfortunately, I have heard that it is a really malignant program Sad
if someone else has a better review pls tell.
Malignant in what way?!
See this. I might even cancel..It scared me.

its not letting me post the link, pasting here

By the book you are supposed to be there by 7AM and leave by 4PM. One day off every weekend.

But you know rules are rules and are made to be broken by those who make these rules. It all depends on how friendly you are with the Chiefs. Work load is highly variable depending on the above mentioned variable. For medical students and Transitional residents may be this is heaven. Like they say in the movie "The Generals Daughter", We can handle internal affairs the Right way, the wrong way or the SFH way (like the "Army Way").

But if you are a categorical resident, things don't look so good for you. We have rules, hidden rules, "arbitrary" rules, and stupid rules for Categorical Medical residents. You see, these are all the rules that you have to follow in addition to "the rules by the book". Basically if you are willing to tolerate "constructive criticism" (politicaly incorrect term : Resident Abuse ) every one will like you. For Categorical Residents, some rotations can be too stressful. "Procto"logy and Nephrology being examples. 7AM to 4PM rules dont apply to these specialties. Scientists call this phenomenon "Time Warping" !!
Residents are scared to report insulting behaviour, sarcasm, and all kinds of abuse because they are here on an H1 visa and the program has no direct control over the attending physicians. If you are an attending who has worked here for more than let's say 10 years, you can say anything you want and easily get away with that.

Tolerate all kinds of "constructive criticism" from Chiefs, attending physicians, and other Ancillary staff during the first year and you can become one of the best residents in the program. If you are an FMG, you have to tolerate all kinds of constructive criticism or else... your visa status will suffer. Just keep that in mind. Thats a nice way to keep these FMGs in control. (like a K9 collar ).

You better do what we say or else your evals will go down, and you wont get a job anywhere in the US...

Take home message : If you can survive here, even hell would feel like heaven for you. Don't believe me?? Try it yourself.


This hospital is a working example of Evidence based Medicine. We stress and apply principles of EBM on all facets of our life as a Medical Residents. The program director is a very nice guy so are some of the many teaching attending physicians. How good is that ? Well think how sweet your coffee can get if you add a pinch of sugar after mixing it with lots of salt. Many members of the faculty are "double blind" as to what is happening around them. There itself we have an application of EBM. 5 Stars for specialties like Neurology, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Most of Heme-Onc, Infectious diseases. These are sincere physicians with a good attitude towards their patients and more importantly to you as a Resident. Some great teaching staff in here. I would gladly put the Northshore Medical group in that category. Now Thats whom I would call the real good doctors. The kind one would dream to become. In summary we have the good, the bad and the uglies. Only thing we probably lack is a "Mentorship program". But we have something similar - a TOR"Mentorship" program !! We do have "nice and full filling" noon conferences for hungry residents almost every week day.


Camaraderie among peers? We are predominantly a Little India. One can probably guess how much Camaraderie is there between a bunch of crabs in a basket. Sorry, the politicaly correct term would be "Residents with competitive spirit". Attending resident relationships? Good relationships with most attending physicians but be prepared to get kicked in the back once in a while by some attending physicians. I mean be willing to accept "constructive criticism". If you really feel that you were unfairly treated by any one in the program, go home buy a dog and kick the dog. Nothing else would help so much. If you cannot afford a dog, save all criticism and try and become a Cheif Medical Resident. It is so much fun being a chief Resident than kicking a dog. Want to become a Chief Resident? Welcome to SFH, show your superiors that you can wear a thong, or show willingness to eat things worse that what they show in the "Fear factor". Dress code? Just make sure that what you are wearing complies with the standards of Nightlife in Chicago. Like miniskirts, thongs, fishnet stockings. No wonder the poor nursing home residents who contribute to the majority of the patient population get occasional Heart attacks. Third year is pretty relaxed, you will get more time to get bored, prepare for boards or apply for jobs. The greatest thing about third year is no overnight calls.


What really stands out in this program is that we have a very empathetic, softspoken, kind, understanding bunch of program directors who are good teachers too. There is no comparison for this program to others. But many of my friends who went into University programs after a year of being a transitional resident said that they finally did find peace in life. This is probably the only one program in the U.S. that certifies residents on doing rectal exams. I am not kidding!! This is true! So may be in the future SFH residents will in addition to being board certified can become "Rectally certified". Would we feel prepared? For What? Fight, Fright or Flight?? Any thing is possible here! We proudly generate a batch of professionally well rounded residents each year. I personally would blame the Cafeteria food for that !! It would be really nice if they equally select people from all the different countries that the residents will have more exposure to all the different cultures in the world than the little well from where they came from. In short, if you are willing forgive and forget occasional abuse, you might survive this program. But that still doesnot guarantee you a fellow ship anywhere unless you are a "Rectally certified" Chief Medical Resident.
guys are you double 99ers, is it true that they invite only those with two 99?
@pgwrocks; hilarious, lol. But it's true!! Much info. I got is not much different from this. And yes!! only 99ers got this chance.
I was wishing someone would contradict me..
I don't have enough IVs for one to be useless.. :O

good luck..
Yes, I'm double 99 + CS 1st attempt.
why is it bad?
any fresh reviews?
@ pgwrocks ... the review you had copy pasted is more than 5 years old. Any fresh reviews??
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