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For Docespy, cue, Ra, Tac, usmleman1, nmx. -
student in miami

Hi guys
sorry to bother you
are there many formulations in the exam?
for example for physiology and bioestadistical?
coz its time consuming and Im not really good at it
Is there any way how can I improve doing it faster???
Thank you in advance
God Bless you
sdven - sdven

Drink Coca Cola you will run faster

there was about 2-4 on my test and all in biostat.

if it is taking u too much time, then u're doing something wrong! stop and review quickly, if u cant figure it out, forget it and make an educated guess and MOVE ON.!!

No not too many formulas in my exam and really simple ones not as complicated as some from the kaplan notes, just know the basic ones like for example how to calculate specificity, sensitivity, etc.

Like the other guys said, it won't get too complicated. You're not taking a math exam. However, you still have to know them.
How deep? Well, let's just say if you know every formula in the FA then you should be on the safe ground.
Best of luck

By the way, about a month ago I post a message titled how to remember the tedious physiology formula. The post was only for physiology, but since I though it might help you then I found the post and copy/pasted it for you here.
Best of wishes student in miami.

Know these two formulas and most other formulas are derived from them:

1) P=Q x R (memory aid: alphabets in order; P, Q, R)

-which is pressure=flow x resistance
-which is also; mean art press= CO x total peripheral resistance
From which you get CO=Mean art press/ TPR

2) vol= amout/concentration
from which you get amt=vol x concentration

-so you get; Vd= amt of drug in body/plasma drug concent
-also; LOADING DOSE (amt)=Cp x Vd
(Cp being the desired plasma concent, and Vd being the vol of distribution)
-also; MAINTANENCE DOSE (still amount)= Cp x CL (vol)/ f
(f being the bioavilability)
-also INFUSION RATE(amt per unit of time)= CL (vol)x Cp (conc)
-also; AMOUNT FILTERED = plasma concent x GFR (vol)
-also, CL (vol)= amt of a substance excreted in urine/ concentration of substance in plasma

and many more...

so you see, knowing only these two major formulas which with memory aids are easy to remember, can allow you to infer all these other formulas (if you understand the concept well). On top of that you double check your answer by matching the units of measurements and you won't go wrong on calculation problems.
hope it helped.

I had one physio and one biostat calc I guess. Nothing to worry about.


student in miami

thank you!!!...
i was getting worry coz in qbank those questions with calculations are too long...and i panicked!!...
anyway...i'll try again to see what im doing wrong are the man!!...thank gonna start to check it tomorrow morning...
God bless you guys...
docespy - docespy

I didn't have any calculations on my test, but I had some common sense graphs that required me drawing the cell cycle
circle diagram and figuring out the order,i.e. G0,G1,G2,S and mitosis.
But, as I said before I didn't have not even one calculation because the biostat question I had was so basic you didn't need to calculate just recognize the formula for PPV, where instead of letters like TP it had values.
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