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please someone help me!!!!!!!! -

Hi everyone. I am really really really depressed. I have my exam in like 40 days and I am getting like 64% on the q bank!I am really really sad. I cried so much today. after studying for like 6 months I feel terrible. I just started the Q bank yesterday. I am really sad. I feel really stupid!! Usually when I used TO STUDY I WOULD GET GOOD RESULTS, BUT NOW I FEEL SOOOOO FRUSTRATED!!
It feels even worse when you are always around people who study as much as you and are getting like 80% on the QBank. I really want to Improve and fast!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
shoby - shobiedoc

dear meena
please dont feel so let sure u will ace the examSmile
u still have more than a month"S time.u will do well.just increase your pace now.this is the crucial time,please dont let depresion dominate you.
all the best
shall pray for you
docespy - docespy

you started at 64% thats really good 70% on usmle is equivalent to a score of 99, so thats reason to rejoice.
You are starting where most people end, and you still have
40 days left. My only concern is that you loose steam, which I don't think is going to be a problem for you.
I want you to feel reassured and continue doing QBANK your score of 64% on the first day is truly a great start.

stop feeling depressed. You're actually doing well. You just started the qbank so don't expect a high score just yet. Qbank is a learning tool, not diagnostic, so keep at it for the next month and do about 100 qs a day or so, and you will see you score improving. Take the exam in 40 days and don't postone.
Remember, it's the final cumulative qbank score that counts not the first block that you do.
best of wishes.

Thank you guys for the support. But sadly I have such low self esteem about myself and my abilities to do well. I was aiming for the 90's but now i really dont think it will be possible. And yeah I am running out of steam. I feel so tired each day. I just wish god made me smarter! my friend who i started studying with is giving his exam next week. He got like a 710 on nbme and he has been studying just as long as i have! I hope I can get into shape and pull this off, otherwise all my hard work will go down the drain if i give up now!! THANKS GUYS FOR THE SUPPORT. GOD BLESS YOU!

and also can anyone give me some advice as to how to study while i have the q bank since i got the 1 month one and its will end on the 8th of august???????? I would really appreciate your suggestions!!
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