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Post embarrassing behaviors of IMGs during IV - drbhatti
A girl from DR who was escorted by her mother... Ha ha ha
One guy kept on saying sir, bowing his head and would leap in front of the resident and open the door and hold it open for no apparent reason.

This is not to say that IMGs are all like that. In fact I met some very admirable ones during my interviews its just this guy in particular got on my nerves for his sycophantic ways.
2 dark indians with VERY thick indian accents. the resident at the lunch asked them asked them were they were from. one said he was from Queens, the resident obviously very surprised says what do u mean, were u born in NY? he says no, he came to NY 2 years ago and did some research. lol. the other one says he was from whatever state when in fact he just came from India last year- I guess they were so ashamed of being Indian that 1-2 years in the US made them American. anyway they were ridiculous with their answers.- harlem hosp
girl from some latin american country wearing at least 10 earrings and ugly looking long hair all covering hair face. lincoln hosp
Turkmenistan girl chewing gum and smacking like a monkey - st lukes.
needless to say people with such( lack of) manners will never match anywhere, regardless of their credentials. people's stupidity is limitless
one girl in my interview,

During hospital tour,was pushing other applicants many times so she can walk with resident who was giving tour.

and unluckily she was with me in two interviews ): In sec interview I gave her space by myself so she dont hit

you had make sure that you say they were "2 dark Indians" right?

ya one thing more Smile

Instead of sitting with all applicants, she would like to stay with PC in her room Smile
@ nono- which hospital was this?
What can I say ,but people are people ..and yet indians are not exception....but I bealive that things like above can happend...
@hopeful match

seems you got hit from same girl too during hospital
Of course many of the gaffes that I witnessed were not limited to IMGs.

1. I met an AMG who stuttered so much that it made me feel sorry for him. His staccato speech would act up every time a question was directed to him. The only problem was that I spoke with the guy for a while and he didn't stutter at all. Talk about nerves Sheeeesh!

2. Similar to what was posted above me I found it ridiculous that Indians would claim to hail from places like " Huntington, WV SIR!!!" or " Kentucky!!!" LOL
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