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********* IV/ Rej Thread ******** - dr@2011
6 for sure.
Their IMGs are very productive and they look to compensate for their AMGs with IMGs.
OK! Thanks man. I think we should do a hopeful wait. By the way are you sure they have sent rejections to remaining ones?
Btw, how was your interview experience? I am wondering if it was a good decision to not apply. A friend interviewed there and he was telling me how they treat their IMGs and AMGs differentially. No preinterview dinner for IMGs. IMGs have to pay for their hotel whereas AMGs get everything.
I am sure.
Congrats frgdoc, you are in I think. Wink
It would have been so amazing to be done so early i.e. if a prematch was offered to me.
Anyone from Baylor?
Yup, no dinner for us. I stayed with one of the ISP resident so can't say anything about hotel etc. By the way, talking about productivity, most of the candidates they interview have a prior research experience and publications (4-5). So, they are quite productive before they even entered into the program. Rest, they work on 1 or 2 projects during second year and in the end have 7 to 8 publications. What more can you except from a resident?
Given quality of their AMGs, this is a lot!!

Disclaimer: most of my information is from hearsay based on my co-worker and friend who interviewed there.
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