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To Moofmonster - destiny123
Hello Moofy,

WOuld you be able to guide me regarding one confusion?

I received an email from PD saying that I am excellent candidate, everyone liked me and hope to be able to work with me in future. After I received this I sent a reply in which I mentioned I would be interested in taking a prematch if offered. But she said there are very limited seats for prematch and I am not on their prematch list. So why is she being diplomatic, initially she says i am an excellent candidate and later am not their prematch list. So will I be atleast in their rank order list ? if so any idea will i be placed high or low from her interest emails?

Thanks for your guidance
fool, the biggest mistake you can make is take everything these program directors say seriously. They say the same damn thing to every applicant they come in contact with. Why? Because they want you to rank them as high as possible so they don't end up with unmatched spots. If spots go unfilled it's more work for them come scramble time.

you may end up on their rank order list, but even if you do, so what? If you're on the bottom of the list, the chances of you matching at that program are still slim to none. And no PD will ever tell you where on the list you are or will be so it's just a waste of time trying to figure that out.

You've done all the right things thus far. You sent your thank you and inquired about a prematch in a tasteful way. They unfortunately said no. Just leave it at that. Anymore inquires and you might just piss them off and end up lower on their list.


thank you so much. I appreciate your reply and insights regarding these sweet emails.

once again thanks
I may be way behind on this but i've always had a gnwaing feeling moofy=deepanglosaxman and my suspicions have been confirmed!!!
I like how destiny123 ignored his manner odf address, replying vileness with nice.
No way. Mooofy can be Deepanglosaxman. There is a difference in their English and choice of words.
hmn yeah I thot so too initially, but the way he outrightly replied to this post without batting an eye. anyways whatever just wanted to see if maybe he had been outed b4. deep guy is so creepy and hateful, but then you see him making some sense in some other posts. I remember when moofy first started out too, he had nothing but unpleasant things to say, then later he started becoming more civil albeit still very curt.
very nice analysis, wrmgturn, you are correct.
skirilarry, you are a lousy cyber sleuth, you conspiracy theorist.
oh, and FUK YOU BOTH
Although I may be crass and condescending I normally don't use vulgar statements.

From your depiction of the way things went down, this is what I can say.

1. First of all, Does the program offer a lot of prematches or do they go to the match with the vast majority of their seats? If its the former then there is a minimal chance of matching but I would still recommend you rank that program according to your preference. Remember the ROL is always to the applicant's advantage. If its the latter then I wouldn't be discouraged because some programs will only offer a few prematches to stellar applicants and go to the match with the rest. Again I must reiterate that you should rank it to your preference.

2. I have no idea how many invites you have or the caliber of said invites. So if its a hole in the wall lower tier program I wouldn't shed any tears for them especially if you have better invites.

Bottom line, Don't sweat it.

Although a prematch is ideal for most applicants sometimes it doesnt work that way. So no need to push them any further. Who knows you may end up with them after the match.

Moofy out.

@destiny123: Sincerely, you're lured by that program. This is contradictory response as you understood!!!! It's obviously seen that they didn't want you much like that. If the next program offers you a prematch..grasp it!!!
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