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The biopsy result of oral hairy leucoplakia - usmle360
shows this characteristics, similar to which other condition>?
SIMLAR to any other pre malignant conditon
as oral leucoplakia is a pre malignant condn to sq cell ca
The histopathology of hairy leukoplakia is characterized by 5 major features.

•Hyperkeratosis of the upper epithelial layer that represents an altered pattern of keratin expression in the squamous epithelial cells: This hyperkeratosis is largely responsible for the characteristic shaggy or "hairy" gross appearance of the lesion. Superficial infections of the hyperkeratinized epithelium with bacteria or Candida may also be seen.
•Parakeratosis of the superficial epithelial layer: This abnormal persistence of cell nuclei in the superficial epithelial layers may represent incomplete squamous differentiation.
•Acanthosis of the stratum spinosum in the epithelial mid layer: This abnormal expansion of cells occurs with foci or layers of ballooning koilocyte-like cells. The nuclei have a homogenous ground-glass appearance and may contain Cowdry type A intranuclear inclusions.
•Minimal or no inflammation in the epithelial and subepithelial tissues
•Histologically normal basal epithelial layer
Although these characteristic histologic features of hairy leukoplakia are highly suggestive of the diagnosis, none is unique to the lesion. Thus, a definitive diagnosis of hairy leukoplakia requires both an appropriate histologic/cytologic appearance and demonstration of EBV DNA, RNA, or protein within the epithelial cells of the lesion.
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