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step1 79 (5th attempt)step2 80 (4th attempt) - fuji
Iam very depressed, Do I have a chance to get a residency in IM or surgery? I have green card and published 5 articles in US journals..ANybody in my situation??
do u mean it ? or are u kidding ? it seems kinld of like hard to grasp. i doubt if one has the courage to go through this process. if it is real i amn't to discourage you but to be honest with you it appears to me that your chance is slim . but there is nothing you lose by trying ? who knows what will happen.
Thanks. I took my first three attempts (both steps) back in 97,I wish ECFMG could erase those attempts from their records because It has been 8 years since i took it.
fuji you have a very good chance in Internal Med but am not too sure about Surgery, it doesn't hurt to try. There is more to just scores or attempts, seems like you have a quality of " Resilience " which is a very rare quality and won't find it in many people these days, if I was a Program Director i would hire you in a minute and I really mean it from my heart, friend.

AGREE with cainsitu maybe cause I am in the same situation

Don't despair fuji, I am in a similar situation and I have already received 2 calls. If you have visa issue then it'll be hard but otherwise you should be fine. Have faith in yourself, knowing that scores are not the only thing in your application and there are PDs who realize that and will look at the rest of your attributes. G/L!
DO not waist your money
hi fuji
scores is only one of the numerous criteria programs look for. the others are visa issues , publications, Lor's ,USCE , Personal statement , previous clinical exp etc. dont get depressed just cos u have one bad criteria. just go ahead and apply and test u r luck. if u get through with the program its worth every penny u spend.GL
If I would a PD i would take a chance to look at you and give interview. These people should admire your persisitence and patience. Wish good luck. I sure that you will find a residency !
Thank you so much for your nice words that inspired me to follow my dream. I am glad I am not the only one in this situation.. Does anybody know where I have more chances? which programs in IM?? Thanks again
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