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failed cs ...... - usmleforyou
i failed in data gathering and patient notes i asked most of the questions about the cc but don't know what exactly happened once i saw my score report . i could not believe it.
I am sorry to hear your news.
You can do it, friend.
May be you should practice more with live and skype partner.
OR you can complain about your result. But I am not sure it is effective or not.
For me, I only practiced First Aid. I even don't attend "Kaplan course" or any live course.
Good Luck.......
Sorry, but don't worry, just start to read again. I failed first time in data gathering and then passed this time. If you fail in data gathering that means there is a problem in your data. This exam is like a math. for instance, if you get a case of sorethroat, you may think that you need to ask about all ENT questions, but you also should ask about heart burn, and travel, contact, besides your cc qs like running nose, fever, headache, ear infection, or ear discharge, etc. After the history, you have to examine the different system that you asked in the history. for this case, you will do ENT exam and also do a belly exam to role our acid reflex, and spleen, so you gather findings from different system to document in your patient's note.

I hope this helps. Please try docotr PUMA class. He is great in teaching and he was like my personal trainer and i became more confident after taking that class.

thanks for all your help .....
i dont know where to start
when should i be able to go for cs again ??
you try again in 3 weeks if you are preapred with patients' notes.

1. be very thorough with questions, for all the 40 cease, try to speak out loudly in a room with all this questions thinking that somebody is listening to you. Questions should be spontaously, you should not take time to think in between the question. That comes by repeated recllection.

2. keep a timer and write the pat notes in 8 minutes.

3. keep somebody to practice the physical exam for just 3 mintute, (I did it)

4. Write the patient note and check whther you all importnat points.

5. finally, practice 12 cases at a strech with patients notes with some close friend or a relative ( like a real exam)

contact be in skype at elizabeth if u have any questions.

you can reach me in skype if u have any questions. my id is elizabeth
marcella 1 .....

i dont have any money to pay .......... so sorry abt that
I am sorry to hear that. you can take 2 days to relax and regain your energy. Start practising. I practised writting patient notes in 10 minutes and then I found an American doctor who reviewed them and corrected them and told me if the hand writting was legible. I practised with teddy bears timing myself and video taping my self. Then I was lucky to get three americans to practise with for 6/7 cases and they also gave me feedback as the SP should. I used FA and UW videos.
God bless you and give you the strength to start working on the exam. Best wishes
thanx alot tag2...... how to proceed with data gathering any dea
What I did is I used the FA book there is checklist with each case so I videotaped myself and assess myself according to the checklist. And I looked for few american born people and practised few cases and ask them to be honest and gave them the checklist. I was lucky they told me my weakness. I tried to improve on them. If you get more than half on the checklist according to lay people (non medical) I believe you will be fine.
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