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please help in this question ? - kemoo1985
Twelve days after sustaining a cerebral infarction, a 72-year-old man has fever and cough. Initial symptoms included inability to move his right arm and leg, swallow, speak, or respond to questions. He has been receiving a diet of pureed foods since he recovered his ability to swallow 3 days ago. He is wearing false teeth. His temperature now is 38.8°C (101.8°F), blood pressure is 135/85 mm Hg, pulse is 94/min, and respirations are 28/min. Examination shows moderate weakness of the facial muscles and right extremities. Gag reflex is absent. Breath sounds are decreased, and there is dullness to percussion over the right lung base posteriorly. An x-ray film of the chest shows an infiltrate in the posterior basal segment of the right lung. Which of the following is most likely to prevent recurrence of this patient's lung condition?

O A) Removal of false teeth
O B) Suppression of gastric acid production
O C) Chronic antibiotic prophylaxis
O D) Administration of metoclopramide to increase gastrointestinal motility
O E) Insertion of a feeding jejunostomy tube
yes e
This is controversial. But the best choice is E see this:
Four other choices increase the risk or do not show to be beneficial
why not A because infiltration on upper segment of lower lobe
This is associated with dental caries not false teeth(there is no Caries in false teeth). In addition the patient has abnormal swallowing and absence of gag. Even some experts recommend to place false teeth to help chewing and prevent aspiration
A is the correct answer... I remember I had this question in UW and A was the correct answer
e as pt lost gag reflex so even afetr removal of false teeth he will get same problem so its excellent go for E
Agreed. The problem is not the denture but the main problem is oropharyngeal dysphagia due to stroke
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