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re : visa - hatsoff
Im currently in my homecountry, just came back from us 3 weeks ago and will be joining a job soon (2 days). My us visa was only for a year which I used for givin CS (twice), doing observerships, externships and Step 3. I was wondering that now when I re-apply for visa this year do I wait for iv calls or I just apply stating that im anticipating interviews. I offcourse would be working here in india at that time. I wanted to be in US by sep 1st for applying and attending iv's thereafter. Waiting time to get the visa interview date here is 2 weeks min. I need a visa ready in hand to fly there on time.

I just dont wana be refused the visa as im desperate to do residency there. Can I use the above mentioned as a basis for obtatining visa or I need to wait for the iv calls and then proceed with the visa interview? The later seems a huge risk to me as I might not be able to make it there in time (god forbid that please) PLZ GUIDE.
BUMP Any1 pleaseeee
Dear Hatsoff,

of course, you should apply now. US visa process is a time consuming process. It will take time. And you have obvious reason. Tell the visa officer that you are going to apply for residency this year,show them the token and AAMC id or my eras page print.

You know what, the visa officer always looks at the intention behind the reason for looking for a visa. Somehow, these guyz can understand,who needs the visa and who doesn't. So don't worry,apply for visa.

Thank you
depends on how you used your 1-year visa. if you stayed in the US for long periods like 3-6 months each stay, they might want you to have interview invites in hand before issuing you another visa. i'm just saying this because a person i know who stayed 6 months initially the 3 months on the next visit on a 1-year multiple entry visa got his visa rejected the second time he applied.
Thanx all for repllying.
To manish
Dude then how am i expected to make it on time during the interview cycle if i donot have vise before mid september?
I did stay for long periods but i followed all rules and made it back on time.
THANX again.
When you get interviews, usually they will give you months and specific days to choose from. Last year my wife got interviews in late september and october, but she had her first interview in december, as she wanted.
Here's my question, won't interviewing that late decrease my chances of getting a prematch, I am dne with all steps.. I am ready for everything, all set with usce, postponing he iv's is like giving up a position to some1 else. I am in a fix, please provide with a logical solution. How to approach this visa problem?
Man, i was in your same situation last year, i spent 18 months in USA using my 2 years m b1/b2 visa by 3 visits and done with all my steps 1,2,3,, i had to apply again for B1/b2 visa to get to attend my IV for last match...
a bottom line, don't take any risks regarding going to US embassy!!! dont be in hurry; participating in the match is not a good reason unless you have scheduled IVs specially that you are done with all your Medical exams, if you were super lucky he wont reject your application instantly, but he would keep it in hold and would ask you to come back whenever you have a scheduled IV .......he would ask, how would you know that you will get IVs, why you are optimized?in case u didnt what would you do,,bla bla ,,,
So my advice, apply for the match from India, when ever you got IV invitation schedule it and go with it to the embassy, and you will be safe... we all dreamed about pre-match but dont let this dream lead you to make any mistakes.......i went to the embassy last year Oct20, got my visa stamper Nov2 my first interview was Nov8......guess what I ended up matching at the place i did my last interview at jan;keep hoping aside and do what you should do.
Thanx a tonne bud and congrats on matching, few more questions for u,
Did u get any problems scheduling a visa interview last year? How long did it take after u got your 1st residency iv call to get the visa iv date?
And, can u please lemme know your credentials, here are mine
step 1 232/97
step 2 207/85
CS second attempt
step 3 213/89
USCE 9 months
YOG april 2007
Need visa (as is obvious in the post)
thanx once again mdakl2000
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