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My exam yesterday -

Hi, guys,

First of all, thank you for your support. I promised I will post my experience after the test and here it is.

Anatomy: Lots of MRI and X-ray and CT and angiogram. Webpath is very good for this part. Neuro, especially hand and foot innervation are high yield. Many eye movement and vision field q, feel just like qbank. Very few histo q. One I cell disease and want u point out which is lysosome in EM.

Behav: tough pt and physician relationship q. Only 3 calculation, FA cover all those. One case control study, easy. personality disorders, ego defense and psych q are strait forward. FA plus Kaplan and qbank cover all the concept. I mean it, all.

Biochem: surprisingly, not many q. basic q about rate limiting enzymes and global regulations. Kaplan note are good enough. DNA and RNA syn and structures and protein syn. No ATP calculation. No q on electron transport. Few q on lysome and glycogen storage dx. FA good enough

Genetic: Experimental basis q, never see q like that before, but if u understand the concept in Kaplan. U will get them. Few autosomal dominant, recessive q based on chart, not hard. FA not enough for this part, must have Kaplan note or other resources.

Path: Big big big target. 65% or higher. Like Dr. Goljan said, not what and how but why, why why. Many many integrations. Give u the picture of fungus and tell u the symptom and ask u what the mechanism of the drug most likely give to the pt for the disease. Few atypical lymphocyte and infection and ask u the pathophysiology of the disease. Some q are little unfair for students don?t have clinical experience. But almost all of the path q will be covered well by Goljan and Kaplan note and qbank.

Pharm: antibiotics and anti cancer drugs are high yield. Must know the side affect. They don?t ask what anti cancer drug to use on particular cancer but they like to make complicate drug interaction. Must study FA hard for these. Autonomic nerverous system drug and drug of choice for arrhythmia, FA are good.

Physio: some pictures about lung and heart function, FA and webprep are not enough. I use old version of BRS physio and qbank, work pretty well then. Acid base and respiratory and kidney regulation are based on charts, not hard. Hormone , especially rennin, aldo, angiotensin are very very high yield. PTH and calcium regulation related to osteopoosis and tumor. GI hormone are important too.

Micro and immune: all about integration with path and pharm. Don?t have to mem too many toxins but u got to know the mechanism how they cause disease especially those involved cAMP and EF toxins. Twisted but doable immune q all about mechanism. Kaplan note is very good on this part.

Overall, my test is a doable test. I always have more than 7 minutes left. If I failed the test, it got to be b/c I didn?t sleep well the night before. I actually failed to sleep at all. Very tired.

Overall, I feel the difficulty of the test similar to qbank and NBME. Much easier than USMLeasy.

I know some of u like correlation too. OK, I did my Kaplan stimulation after I reviewed the Kaplan once got 62% only. I started to do 1000 usmleasy got 70% on path and 60s% on others. 1 ½ months ago, I started to do qbank, started with 65-70%. 6 weeks ago usmle CD 40, 42, 40. 4 weeks ago NBME 510. Goljan pracitce q 80%. I then scheduled the exam. Before the exam, I set my qbank to 3 sets of 7 blocks each in the last 2 weeks. My scores were 70, 78 and 75

OK, everyone, thank you for ur time and good luck for ur exam

Also, please pray for my passing score.

Thank u.


That was very sweet of you to share your valuble experience . Were you doing FA along with your prep...Or you just concentrated on FA in the last few days?

yes, I make note on FA when I am review my kaplan. In the last 1 week, I use only FA

hello junming,

thank u for sharing ur exam experience.
i am writing to u to ask for some advise. i have gotten 74% in my exam and so i am worried now to know where and how to begin to study. i have been thinking of doing kaplan video lectures or should i? its very expensive for me. or should i simply stick to Qbank and my old resources as well as FA? i have been very much upset lately due to my score. i was really hoping to do well. unfortunately, that didnt take place. plz, tell me what to do in terms of my prep and how long i should wait before taking the exam.

Thanx for your valuable information.My exam is after 7days.I gave nbme yesterday and got 530 so now i feel little confidant.
I am on the way to finish qbank and will start reading fa.
Is the test exact like nbme?Please tell me ,
And now u take rest and enjoy cause after one month u have to study again for your step 2
student in miami


Thank you sooo much for sharing your experience with us...So detailed!!>....
So now comes the waiting part...but We know you passed this lets rock and roll this weekend...jejeje
God bless you and LOts of luck for your score!!!>..

You wrote that there were lots of MRI , CTscans, Angiograms and X-rays? Were the answers solely hidden in these or there were some other clues as well...What I mean to ask is that whether you were able to solve these questions without refering to the mris, and cts?? Where did you prepare CTS, MRIS AND X-RAYS FROM?


No, I must know what it is in the picture for at least 50% of them. But some u don't have to and u will dind the answer in the q. Sound like a bull shit. Anyway, my point is, u must study the webpath.


U will ace the test. In terms of difficulty, yes it is very similar to NBME. But don't just take my words for it. Look, there are thousand way how they will put a q together. But the concept they test and the way how they twist the q are very similar, as the example I mentioned in my initial post.

Dear shine, I wish I will have a month for the rest. But I don't. I will start it within a week or 2 no matter I fail or pass.

Good Luck to your test

hi junming,
You must feel so relieved now that ur exam is ove. And dont worry im sure u passed from ur previous scores on nbme and all u will get something in the 90's im sure. what was ur final score on Q-bank? and do u feel like the real exam was harder or the same as the q-bank?? Did u get lots of genetics, molecular bio, and immuno on ur exam??

Hi meena,

Thank you for your encouragement. I set my qbank to three 7 blocks real time tests with 2 days apart. My final score on the three tests were 70, 78 and 75 as what I posted before, most running around 74 with one 56, one 92. my average on all qbank was then 72%

Yes I got quiet a few q on those subjects with the total about 10%.

Good luck
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