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waiting for results - dr95
Is any body here which wainting for results tomorow ishalla God helped as
When did you take your test? Good luck!!!
anyone got score yet>?

Waiting and praying for a good score.
Got my score (97/225). Lucky but not happy knowing that if i would have put in the time i would have done so much better. Left the exam with that same feeling. I wish the best of luck to all who have yet to take this exam or who are still waiting for results.
I am still waiting...this drives me crazy
@einst74: Congratulations on such a great score. I am happy for you. Could you please post your experience, NBME scores, and other tips for all of us who are still in the process. Thanks again.
waiting waiting waiting...gave it on aug 1, was expecting today...still getting results or done for the day?
Congratulations einst74, thats a great score. When you tale about putting in more time, what things you think you were lacking in?
before i started any type of studying i took nbme 7 and scored a 227. That made me extremely complacent and did not put in true effort. I would tell u my strategy but i wouldn't recommend it to anyone including myself. I was scoring around 70% on UWORLD but didn't really read through all the explanations, only the ones that i thought i had truly never seen. The questions i got wrong on UWORLD were because i just didn't know/remember the answer. I should have just reviewed them but i kept on procrastinating till it was too late. The exam itself is not hard. I was never rushed to finish. This was kind of the score i was expecting since the effort wasn't put in. I believe everyone can score exceptionally well if they know what their weak spots are (whether its content, question phrasing, exam timing, etc). Didn't read all of FIRST AID during my studies but did so afterwards and almost everything in the exam is somewhere in this text. Of course, in order to utilize this text to the max one should have mastery of the content beforehand since its just summaries of concepts. You can look left and right in this forum and find great advice but it all depends at which level of readiness you are at. There is no magic bullet or some new sage advice that will get u that max score u so desire. But i'll leave u with know at the beginning what you're weaknesses are and work on them. And don't just study to study. I hear people putting in 12+ hours per day but how many of those hours are actually productive. Sometimes its about quality vs the quantity of time. Now i'll be taking a completely new approach to step 2 and hopefully will figure out and plan my schedule soon. Good luck to future test takers.
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