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@medicalspirit - aj572001
"medicalspirit - 09/14/11 13:46

I'm trying to take this exam 3rd time and everyone gave up on me this time - family is saying quit and do mba or something and get married as I will be 29 in few weeks.
I have exam anxiety- 1st time didn't sleep 2nd time missed 15 questions in the very first block and that set the whole tone . And I left after that block as I thought I may be able to cancel it. Now everyone gave up on me. Do i stand any chance of residency???
please advice.. please give me some strength so i can focus and fight this war and win.. medicine was my dream - i don't want to sit home and cook Sad Sad
Help meeeeeeeeeeeee
Alima "
1. you locked the message so can't reply
2. You need a study plan.
3. If you cant get a residecy you can do resarch and they pay as well.
4. If you made it this far you almost done.(finished medial education)
5. need to look at what recouces you got and use them like time Time, and lack of responsiblities.
6. A dream will remain a dream unless you work to make it a reality.

I think it is better to have a good consultation because your situation can lead to anxiety disorder and can be over come by SSRI +/- Anxiolytic.
Please see a DR, Get our selve stabilised and come back.
It walks very well.
I am sure you can pass those Exams.
Do not ever abandon your dream ; specialy when you can make it real.
Good luck
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