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failed cs...interviews scheduled - mps

I took the cs in philly on sept 27 and got my results yesterday...the dreaded fail. I failed in the CIS component, while I did very good in Spoken English and ICE (History/PE) components. What can I do to improve my communication and interpersonal skills?

I alredy have attended 4 interviews and have arounf 7 more interviews scheduled. How will this fail affect my chances to matching?

Anbody please help me..I need help desparately!!

Kaplan courses are the best for CIS, but poor on ICE. If you do not take the course, at least read the book.

There is no doubt that you need to register to retake CS ASAP. Most people say if you can retake it before 12/31/05, you will be OK for match. But the challenge is to find a test date.
Yes, definitely schedule your exam ASAP. Check out for their CS course, which is great from what I hear. I took Falcon's Step 1 & 2 courses and did very well on the exams. Good luck and best wishes!
It will not effect your residency AT ALL. Just tell them you will take it when you get a chance in your last year of residency or later in life.
If you are an IMG, I think you can not enter residency without passing CS. AMG do not need CS result to enter residency.
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