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what documents IMG need to send to ERAS - sfusa
can someone guide me what documents an IMG should forward to ERAS postoffice for scanning and uploading. Do I need to sent the originals?. The question may sound silly, but I am sure many of you here are experienced in this regard. I would greatly appreciate your response. Thanks in advance. GL to all.
a little late in the game...
I know when everyone is busy talking about IVs, i am here with this silly question which should have been asked sometime in may or june. Please write few lines and i will definitely appreciate your help in this regard. I know i am late, but want to give a try. Pleaseeeee.. help..since i dont have anytime left, i do not want to make mistake..thanks..
your deans letter or the mspe and the lor's the trancript your photo , once you get the letter of recommendation uploaded you will have to finalise them in the eras ;this is a very important step! .i think thats all your usmle scores will be uploaded once you apply to programs

if you have good credentials hopefully wou will get IV's keep your hoped high!
thanks saeed...your response is greatly appreciated. May god be with you in this journey. GL.
Document to send to ERAS:

1. Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
2.Medical School Transcript
3. Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) should be sent directly from you writers. If they've already provided you with letter's of reference you need to mail them to ERAS support services with the corresponding cover letter. To create a cover letter you need to login to myERAS and create a letter writer profile and finalize it. Once its finalized, you can print out the corresponding cover letter. Alternatively, you can have your letter writer upload their letter via the online letter portal. You still need to finalize their profile; however, instead of mailing in the LOR with the cover letter they will upload it directly online. This is much quicker as the turn over time to get it into the ERAS mailbox is much faster.

Photograph - you upload directly
ECFMG Status Report - automatically generated
USMLE Transcript - you need to specify its release in your myERAS application
myERAS application - you create it automatically when filling in the appropriate fields in the myERAS application
Personal statement - you create your own and upload it online
Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter (PTAL) or “California Letter”

Read this over, it will help....

Also, you need to make sure a document submission form is included with your documents
thanks sfusa . may the Force be with you too!!
thanks sfusa . may The Force be with you too!!
Hi Karvel222, Thank you so much and the information is complete and will follow your steps. since the time was so less, i could not make any mistake and delay the process further. I wish you GL with your residency journey and may god bless you with what you are looking for. Thanks once again.
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