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Outcome of refusing a pre match.. - morris81
Can some one throw some light on match outcome of those candidates who refuse prematch? Does any one know any one who has refused a pre match at some institute and got matched at the same place?

mostly no,,,obviously if u want them u will take the prematch otherwise they will not rank you,heared its one reason for DNR.(info from a pc)

sorry to have not followed the "heared its one reason for DNR.(info from a pc)" part
momydoc, congrats did you prematch RUMC ped?
@ morris .. she heard from a program coordinator that not acccepting a prematch is an important reason for DNR = DO NOT RANK ! ;p
I didn't recieved a formal premach offer they just talked to me about it &said will call me soon but not yet.
thanks for explaning Smile)
wishing u all the best of this tough time.
I only know one person who declined a prematch and then matched to that same program. So I guess it is possible but unlikely. I also think that it depends on what your reasons are when declining the prematch. For example, I got offered a PM when I was just starting with my IVs so I told the PD that and he said that he understood and would be happy to rank me in his ROL. I don't know if he will do it or not, but I just wanted to share what I know and my experience. Hope that helps. Good luck!
Hi, Morris: did you refuse a prematch? why? but i believe you can match other program.

Its possible.In some programs they are open minded...even if u dont accept prematch they arent emotional about it...they will still rank u. While some of the community programs would take u off the list
I say accept the prematch if offered rather than taking a gamble on the match.

Accepting a prematch is entirely yours and you are in control, but match is dependent on a lot of variables out side of your control.
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