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is it possible to appy witout cs results - drtom26
hi guys.

best wishes for ur match.

i think you guys will be able to clear a small doubt of mine. is it possible to apply on sept 1 for residency with jus step 1 and step 2ck scores and cs results awaiting..

has anybody done that. will it be of any use or jus a waste of money.

i think by the time i get ny cs results by oct end.wat if i apply after that..wat r my chances
You can.

I was in the same boat and got many interviews; I also did very well on step 1 and CK, so that helped.

If you can take CS earlier, do it by all means. If you're only applying with step 1 and ck, just make sure you do well on them Smile

Advice on saving money: before applying to programs on September 1st, please call as many as you can in August and ask them sincerely if you should even bother applying without a CS. Many programs on their website will say you can apply without a CS, but then they get 1200 applications and decide they will only look at complete apps. So just ask them what they did last year with so many applications. Trust me it will save you money.
ok thank you, happy to know that.

can you tellme when exactly you gave cs and when you got the results... this year their is a change in cs pattern from june 16 and the earliest score reporting day is oct3. i am abit doubtful whether it would be wise to give the exam on june third week itself or wait till july to get the review how other people did it in the new pattern.
I took the CS late October and got the result in mid-December. It took a while and trust me it was a stressful wait because you're doing IVs and wondering "what if I failed... this was all pointless."

I don't know your reasons, but if I were you, I would do the CS before the exam changes. You have until June, PLENTY of time. You need about 3 weeks of solid practice (if you have been out of clinicals) and you are good to go.
the answer to your question is another question, have you ever thought of failing usmle step 2cs?
well the thing is my step 1 score is on the lower side 227, i have not given step 2. most of the people who applied for a visa without step 2 ck got rejected. so i want to apply with my step 2 scores,and i am tryin to cover up for my step 1,so dont want to compromise on that being in ahurry .

and regardin cs there are very few dates available in may. and i plan to write my ck in i was thinkin to give cs in june july.
@qwery i realy didnt think abt that now,ya but that is a possibility.
If you are writing the CK in April, that gives you all of May for CS prep. All the CK material will be fresh in your mind. You can take CS in June before the changes are implemented (if dates are available). This would be the ideal scenario.

If you don't take it in June, and if I understand correctly with the changes the CS results are all coming out in October, then I guess it doesn't matter when you take CS (july, august etc.).
good, say that you fail, what would happen then?
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