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pls help.. - diabetes

I got a discreet offer of prematch from St. Barnabas. I know its not very good program. But with 6 interview calls , do u think I should accept the offer?

Thanks in advance
which other program got you interviews?....credentials pls?....
rosalind fr
suny upstate
caritas st eliz
wash hosp center

I know each of these is better than barnabas. But the question is what if I dont all of these are quite competitive . and some dont offer HI. And ,6 is not a good no.

97/91/pass/need visa/step 3 i dont know when I ll give

What do u think? Thanks in advance
your scores are v.good I dont understand why didnt you get more interviews.but if you are getting a prematch go for that.
if it's H1 accept it.if it's j1 don't!
I applied in late oct/early nov, so probably thats the reason of less calls...

Anyways, Thanks Shiva n Nasi and GL.
Hi diabetes,
i am in a similar situation as urs.
my creds: 92/97/pass/need visa/step 3 in march 2006...i got a total of 6 interviews as well!only 4 of those progs offer H1 so i'll only attend those.
i don't have prematch offer yet but if i did...i wud accpet.
my advice to u...hold off the premtach till u attend a few other interviews.maybe a better prog offers u a prematch or atleast u'll get some idea as to how they r going to rank u.
i think the reason for my few calls is my year of's 2002..and as everyone knows fresh grads r being preferred.wat yr did u graduate?
Hi drmak,

Only 3 of the programs in my list offer H1 besides Barnabas.
Do u think Barnabas PD would wait till end Jan with the offer of prematch ?

I graduated in Dec 2004. I dont think that went against me..its the timing..

maybe u can ask the PD of barnabas to give u sometime berfore u can let them know.i don't know wether they'll be willing to wait till end of jan.
it's a tough decision...if barnabas is willing to give u H1,even though u havn't given step 3 as yet...u shud consider the prematch offer.for us IMGs,wat takes priority over program quality is the visa.right now an H1 for u is the most important thing.if an H1 prog offers me a prematch i wud take it.i just don't want to be stuck with a J1.
well...good luck to u...lemme know wat u decide.
Thanks drmak...I appreciate yr help.
will let u know what I decide..hope thats soon enough Smile

GL to u
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