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leena91....hello! - usmlegiant
i just read your repugnant post( and just couldnt stop myself from telling you something after reading all the venom that you managed to spit...

residency is an academic position, it is a training for which you have to worthy of it.

a citizenship is not something that guarantees you a position, what you need is something called BRAINS

and do NOT compare yourself with AMGs. they have been trained in the US and have been prepared for a residency from the day they joined pre med. therefore they deserve to get a residency.

you on the other hand have not been trained to practice in the US, so you have to prove yourself just like the non citizen IMGs.

I am really sorry but you should have thought about it before you went somewhere else for your whatever degree that you have. It is kind of weird that you cant even work where you earned the degree......kind of makes me question your education.....

but after all that i think you still have a chance...dont be jealous of intelligent foreigners who have higher scores...

moral of the story - hard work leads somewhere, whining leads nowhere...
yes..I have proved my brains already by clearing step 1..Now going for ck..If I can get through a med school in a place like India I can do anything! And you can check MCI...MCI does not allow foriegn nationals to practice medicine in India. They dont give reigstration to people who are not Citizens of India. You can call them and verify this for yourself!! Stupid system! Otherwise I would have stayed in India itself! If they had told me that on the first day I would have never done my degree from there. And so yes we have to get in US only...becoz as US Citizens we cant go anywhere else with our Indian degree. Get it now??!!
And there is no question of brains and hard work. We are all doctors and we all have got it. You are very shallow minded if you think otherwise.

And who are you to talk to me like this?? Some PD??!!!
@usmlegiant .....why beat a dead horse... save your valuable time for better things/people
@leena91 - darling, congrats for passing step 1. i think that its the most important step and i hope that you have scored as much or even more than the intelligent people that you despise so much.
and Indian citizens whom you seem not to like so much are a very generous people, they will have a place for you if you choose to live there...after all they are the ones who gave you the education that you have till now. try to be more human and return the favor.

@dumont - i was just shocked when i read that post, couldnt help myself from atleast letting this dead horse know that the living fastest horse wins the are right no point beating a dead horse. its shameful that we still have these kind of people.
@usmlegiant...(also known as dumont)...
Did u understand what I was trying to say? I never said that dont like Indian people. I was talking about MCI not allowing us foriegn nationals to practice medicine in India. Why do they have NRI seats and give us degrees when they wont allow us to practice there according to the law there. My relatives wanted me to settle there only and I was willing too until the MCI stated the rule. If we are not Citizens of India we cannot practice there. Ok??!! So , then where should we go? That is why it becomes all the more important to give us residency in our own country ,i.e. USA. That is the point that we US Citizen IMGs are making. You people can go back and practice in India but we cant. Get it now??

And shame on YOU for talking to me like this!! If you had any brains u would understand my point that I am trying to make. And now I am going to sleep. I have no intention of fighting with crazy horses like u! Good Night.
And for your kind information, I was refused registration to practice by MCI. A bunch of other forigners also were standing in line trying to get registration from MCI there but the MCI just threw our application in our face and told us that they cannot do anything about us. Where was the generosity?? We are not allowed to practice medicine in India becoz we are US Citizens!! I can never forget that day!! They will accept heavy NRI Fees but they wont allow us to practice!! MCI is Hippocrite!!!

i am not dumont

now i get it...i am really sorry for you...

1st you cant get a pre med despite being a US citizen,

2nd you cant get good scores(this is the saddest part),

3rd you dont have anywhere else to go(i really hope mci changes that rule coz its really dumb)

your situation seems hopeless, i think you should try other professions...... the medical profession is filled with intelligent people..try something more manual and less academic....
and when you change the profession take the MCI people with you...they are no good too..corrupt hypocrites
what do u mean??...I am a doctor okay..Mind your language. If u wish bad it will come strike u like bad karma! I will work as a doctor only.
And here premed is 4 years of undergraduate college before going to med school. Skipping that and going to India or anywhere to get a medical degree in those 4 years is a wise decision that many people take.
And who said I cant get scores? I have excelled in my step 1 for your kind info!
And yes that 3rd point is exactly what I am talking aboout. If MCI changes it i will gladly leave my US spot and go serve india, my blood country.

And dont even mention about changing careers. I will cast a spell on u . Bad karma will come bit u. Go to sleep now.
The very foundation that this great nation was built on was- If you have a dream and are willing to work hard for it- come here, we'll make it come true. America is a global leader(for the moment) because of this noble ideal. The very US citizens you are talking about were once 'immigrants'. If you were to allow only pure US citizens flourish in this country- America would be a land of the Native Indians and ethnic people from South America.
America flourished under immigrant invasions..from the time the founding fathers landed on the east coast to the inflow of highly skilled professionals from all over the world..
Anyway, I understand your apprehensions..but lemme tell you this- It wont stop. If it does, America will cease to be the great nation that it is. I hate to say it..but it'll become India.
And for your information- not everyone comes here to settle down. there are people who enter residency to get quality training so they can go back home and put it to use. (Yes, hard to believe, but some people really do mean what they write on their PS.)
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