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PLS HELP me - dr.non
Im an old img ,,I have done with my step 1 and cs and Im planning to take ck in nov/dec ,,and as far as I know I can apply this year for residency ,,,but i don't even have observership over here in U.S.A or any LOR ?/? so my qs is can I apply with out LOR or observership??? and if yes I can ,,when will be the dead line for ERAS application???and what are the requirments of ERAS beside the token???pls if anyone have any info can share it I would appreciate that.
thanks in advance.
pls anyone??
yog? scores? what were u doing since graduation? this is info u can provide so someone will help you with some advice..
if u have remianed in clinical practice all these yrs then theres hope
take it easy, use the search option to start ur eras application
as long as u can get ur ecfmg cert before the deadlines for each program u still have a shot altho
the no usce part may hurt u for sure.. u do need lors to apply.. ul hav to make do with foreign ones which are usually not considered

for now my advice is just focus on ck dont mess it up

Thanks satori for ur reply
my yog was 2003,step 1 215,pass cs first attempt
after 2003 i did my residency overseas for 3 years (till 2006) after that i came here in u.s.a
from that time I did not have any clinical practice because I was busy in raising my 2 little kids until 2011,, when i started to prepare for step 1,,I know my clinical credit(usce) is empty ,,but if i can get some of LOR how many letters i need?? what do u think satori??or shall I forget to apply this year and concentrate on ck???pls ur advise???
well the big gap that might hurt you is the 2006 - 2011.. thats huge. make sure in ur PS and IVs u dont use the kids as an excuse i kno it sounds harsh but thats the way a program will look at it

noone can tell you exactly what to do here but let me put it this way, if i were you, id focus on getting a great score on my ck.. this is a chance to show ur good at ur clinical theory part as well.. ur knowledge is not rusty

typically u will need atleast 3 lors for most programs..
what you can do is apply this year for family med if you like that field.. apply to a VERY select list of programs.. community programs.. use frieda data base and see the requirements of each program.. call and ask re ur yog esp.. and confirm final date before which u must be ecfmg certified..
then make sure u do well on ck and get that certification before that date so u will be eligible for those programs..
you will not be as strong in this match as u would be for next yrs match but if u want you can apply to a few hand picked programs and see what happens.. you never know

for now study for ck apply to a few and then forget abt the match just study when u get ck results contact a few of the programs you especially liked and be in touch with them.. an update on a new score, esp a strong score, is a nice way to remind programs abt you

ideally next year u have a good ck result in the bag and u get as much usce
basically the usce is to show u are not rusty with ur knowledge and they can see that u will be able to practice med in this country so that would be vital for u to get

oh and not needing a visa always helps

make as many contacts as possible as well on the way.. start somewhere and things will fall into place

goodluck on the test!

Hi satori Thank you soo much for ur advise I realy appreciate it,,,most likely i will not apply for this year because 3 LOR is not easy because of time limiting since the application should be done within septmber as far as i know,,,,and as you said 5 yrs with out any clinical practice,,,so I should concentrate on ck,,,but is it family med an easy branch to get ???and other qs (sorry to bother you )but u r the only one who answered my qs Smile u said i should contact the programs ,,so can u pls calarify more for me,,my info so bad in this matter,, all i know that we should buy token and then go to my ERAS and fill the app and do all requirments such as LOR which is usually done electronically and also personal letter and then they will process all appl ,,,so should i call the programs before buy token to know the requirments and based on that i will know wat i will apply for???

If you are not applying this year, you should not buy a token. You can still browse FREIDA, and use the info to get the program's contact information. You do not have to call all them up right now, just call enough programs to have an idea on their criteria, which will guide you for next season.
Thanks soo much titanmd ,,ur info was so helpfull.
and good luck for u .
no problem.

apparently family med and psych are easier to get into but frankly these programs have gotten smarter and they do look for genuine interest in these fields so keep that in mind.. i for some reason am just guessing you might be interested in FM.
FM is allegedly the most forgiving of specialties... so prob your best bet would be that.

if u have NO lors at all then dont even buy the token.

also its not just that u need lors .. they should also be current. im guessing urs are not quite current which is another reason you might not want to upload them..

my advice is when u call them u need to ask three main things (other than the ck issue ofcourse)-
yog, need for usce, old lors.
there are numbers to call for each program.
the ones that accept these are ur best bet. when u find places like those buy the token. apply. study.

dont mean to scare u but ul have to work a bit faster now call and decide coz if u do go ahead and apply ul need a bit of time for the lors to be uploaded etc. if u arent applying then ur just wasting ck study time.

so relax, do some research, call some places. make a plan that fr the next maybe 10 days ul only work to see if u shud apply right now or not. so u get it out of ur system then proceed.

dont think too far. if u do buy the token, come back here and ask specific Qs re ur doubts with the process. take it one step at a time.

Thanks sooooooooooo much satori ,,and thats what i will do ,,acting fast and find out whether apply this yr or not ...
good luck for u.
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