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what shud one reply if asked abt weaknesses - hazel
hi i am goin for my first int and wanted to know wat shud one reply if asked abt my weaknesses?
well u know one should be truthhul about oneself n i have realised this works out very well, especially in US....coz u r considered as a person who can never be perfect...everyone has something or the other weakness n the person asking the question also would be having some negetive thing in him...n that is what they want to judge that how good are u in speaking the u should not just make it..just think about it n u have the perfect answer.....good luck
A tough question if answered without proper thought. A trap for the unsuspecting or naive. Will show up those who've not prepared as this is another obvious question to expect. Will also prompt follow-up questions probing what the candidate is doing to improve the weakness, which is worth preparing for also.

Start by saying that you don't believe you are actually 'weak' in any area. Acknowledge certain areas that you believe you can improve, (and then pick some relatively unimportant or irrelevant areas). If you must state a weakness these are the clever ones that are actually strengths: not suffering fools gladly; sometimes being impatient with other people's sloppy work; being too demanding; refusing to give in when you believe strongly about something; trying to do too much, etc, etc.
When i was asked the same question during my first interview for an IM position, my answer was: "Since I came from a third-world country, i'm not really adept at the use of high-tech laboratory or diagnostic tools. But in a way, this helped me sharpen my clinical eye by relying on a thorough history and PE to assess what's going on with my patients." I think my interviewer liked my answer. I got pre-matched right away! Smile
A friend of mine also suggested this answer, "My weakness is surgery, I don't think I have the aptitude to excel in this field." I personally think, this is also a nice answer because most IM PDs would want an applicant who is really decided to take IM. My purpose was actually to present my academic weaknesses rather than my personal weaknesses. Hope this helps. Good luck!
you work too hard and have a problem letting others help is the best answer i have
the interviewer evaluates using his rules: for certain one of them is to positively apreciate the candidate if he is ready for the answer.An answer like I am coming from a third world country is like making up excuses..another example :if you don't know something(surgery or research) he will hunt you down on this issue.
The best response should include not a weakness but a strength..i am too organized..i get annoyed by others who dont or what kendedit said.
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